Chapter 12 "Flying Training"

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Swift's POV:

I'm outside flying My Flash-Wing around in Big Swirl Island because I'm doing some great training from Both Speedy and Bea. While Flying, I-

"What's Up, Cadet?" Asked-

"Oh Hi Baddy, Are You in a Jet?" I Asked and Baddy laughed.

"Oh Yeah, This is My Bat-Wing" Said Baddy and-

"Hey, You wanna race to see who is The fastest?" Asked Baddy

"Sorry Baddy but I can't right now because I'm doing some training, Maybe Later" I Said and I fly The Flash-Wing faster.

"Okay Swift, Here's what You gotta do for Training" Said Speedy on The Radio and-

"HI!" Said A Familiar Voice and I looked both left and right but I didn't see anyone and-

"Up Here" Said The Voice again and I looked Up and I saw-

"Woah Baddy, What are You doing Up There?" I Asked

"I'm just hanging around" Said Baddy and I laughed a little and-

"Um...Baddy, Don't You have school or something?" I Asked

"Nah, I was born for flying around" Said Baddy

"Alright, Well I gotta go" I Said and I fly The Flash-Wing Faster.

Once I didn't see Baddy anymore, I sigh and-

"Okay, Tell Me what I gotta do, Speedy" I Said

"Okay Swift, You are going try to earn The "Eject" move" Said Speedy and-

"Speedy, Are You sure He is ready for this?" Asked Bea

"Yeah, I'm sure, Swift, Do You think You can handle it?" Asked Speedy and I smiled.

"Of Course I can!" I Said

"We believe in You, Buddy" Said Speedy and I smiled.

"Okay, Here's what You need to do: First You need to see if anything is in front of You, Is There anything in front of You?" Asked Speedy

"Nope" I Said

"Good, That's Step Number 1, Number 2: You gotta pull The Eject lever" Said Bea and I pulled The Eject Lever and-

"And When I say "Go" that's where You pop out of The Flash-Wing" Said Speedy and-

"Go!" Said Speedy and I pop out of The Plane and I flew Up High in The sky and I fly down almost to The ground and I fly back Up and I pressed My watch and-

"Active: Boomerang!"

I saw The Flash-Wing was flying back over to Me and Once The Flash-Wing Back and It was hovering under Me, I stopped flying and I dropped into The Flash-Wing and-

"You did it, Buddy!" Said Speedy

"Yaay! He did it!" Said Bea and I giggled.

"Let's practice that a bit more, Alright?" Asked Speedy

"Okay" I Said

(Skip Time)

After practicing more and more and I was getting the hang of it, I noticed that Baddy was flying towards The Danger-Cannon and He shouldn't because You shouldn't fly in Danger-Cannon, There is an reason  why  The Cannon is called "Danger-Cannon"

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