Chapter 43 "Eyes on The Hunt Chase"

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Speedy's POV:

"Bea?! You are pregnant?!" I Asked

"I-I'm so sorry" Bea Cried.

I smiled and I picked Up Bea and I hugged Her Tightly.

"Yes! We finally have a Baby!" I Said and I had tears coming into My Eyes.

"Y-You are not mad?" Asked Bea and I put Her down.

"No! Remember when We were trying so hard to get Baby? We finally have Our Baby! And What's even better, The Cadets are gonna have a Baby Sibling!" I Said and I smiled.

"And You are probably want to foster Scarlett, Right?" Asked Cindy

"We never made The decision but Me and Bea do want Both Swift and Scarlett to see eachother" I Said

"So?" I Asked and I looked at Bea and She smiled.

"Yes, Yes We do, We want Scarlett to be apart of Our Family" Said Bea and Cindy smiled and-

"Speaking of Swift, Where are They?" Asked Cindy

"Aren't They in The Control Room?" Asked Bea

"No" Said Cindy

"What?!" Asked Both Me and Bea, The Two of Us ran into The Control Room and We didn't see The Cadets anywhere.

"W-Where are They?" Asked Bea

"I...I don't understand...They were just there with Us" I Said

I turn My Head and I saw Cindy walked over to Us and She looked worried.

"They can't just disappear without a chase" Said Cindy

"Whatever had happened, We got to find Them" I Said

I walked over to The Working Desk and-

"I put a little tracking device on Their Watches, So I can track Them down just in case for emergencies" I Said

I push one of The Buttons and The Screen show The Tracking Device coordinates and It showed that-

"Why are The Cadets are going in Four Different Directions somewhere far away?" I Asked

"How did that happened?" Asked Cindy

"I don't know but It doesn't matter because We have to find The Cadets and Where are They and Who Took Them" I Said and Both Me and Bea was about to walk out of The Control Room but-

"Before You go! Inspector Eagle-Eye came over with Me and He wants You and Bea go and visit Him and He said He wants You Two to talk with Him" Said Cindy

"Oh Great, Inspector Eagle-Eye was here, What kind go worse?" I Asked

"I think I got on Inspector Eagle-Eye's good side and We made eachother blush a little" Said Cindy

"Okay So, We just find out that Inspector Eagle-Eye might know what Love is after all since He acts like a  Tough Dude all The Time" Said Bea

"Okay Maybe, He is prepared for Cindy..." I Said and Cindy blushed a little.

"We should go before Inspector Eagle-Eye kill Us for being late" I Said and Both Bea and Cindy nodded Their Head and-

"Bea...I think You should stay here since You are pregnant-" I Said but-

"Speedy, Just because I am pregnancy doesn't mean I have to come, I am coming wheater You like it or not, The Cadets is Our Children and They need Us, So I am coming, Plus, I don't have The Stomach to show yet" Said Bea

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