Chapter 24 "Kidnapped?"

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Bea's POV:

"And That's The End of The story" I Said Softly.

The Cadets had fallen asleep.

"Thanks for The story" Betty Whispered.

Both Baddy and Betty fly away in The night and Speedy looked at Me with a smile on His face.

"Good Job Mom" Said Speedy and I smiled.

"Let's go" Speedy Whispered.

Both Me and Speedy walked out of The Cadets room, We walked into Our bedroom and We had fall asleep.


(The Next Day)

Swift's POV:

"Hey Bro!" Said Rod and I woke Up and Rod throught a Pillow at Me, I saw Brody was yawning and Penny was stretching.

"Let's find out if We are gonna have Training today" Said Rod

"They are Our Teachers and Our Parents, Of Course They are give Us training" I Said.

We all jumped out of Our bed and We walked into H.Q but Once We did, We realized that Nobody was here.

"Um...Are Both Mom and Dad are still sleeping?" Asked Brody

"Wanna go check?" I Asked and than I noticed that Penny was running towards Both Speedy and Bea's bedroom and-

"Penny! Don't You dare Jump on Speedy's stomach again!" I Said and I fly after Penny.

Once I picked Up Penny while She was running, I looked Up but than I realized that Their Bedroom is empty.

"Um, I was expecting Our Mom and Dad to be in Here" Said Brody

"Maybe They are at Rhonda's Lemon-Shack" Said Rod


So, We looked everywhere around Big Swirl Island but No one had no idea where Speedy and Bea are, I just don't wanna think that They abandoned Us which I don't believe that They would do Us like that.

"They are not in Big Swirl Island! Where are They?" Asked Brody

I fly over to The Desk and-

"What could've happened? They couldn't possibly disappeared!" Said Rod

"And We know that Our Mom and Dad wouldn't just abandon Us like that" I Said But than It just hit Me.

"They must've have gotten kidnapped!" I Said and Penny hugged Me tightly.

"What made You to believe that?" Asked Brody

"Remember When RIO got arrested but than Early in The morning, I heard that Speedy and Bea was talking about a jailbreak while We were sleeping" I Said

"But...What does that mean?" Asked Rod

"RIO kidnapped Our Parents" I Said and Rod, Brody and Penny looked shocked.


Bea's POV:

I open My eyes and I realized that I wasn't in Top Wing Academy, I wasn't in My bedroom, I wasn't Home. I was somewhere else, I looked around and I saw that I was laying on a couch and-

"Oh Good, You're awake, made Breakfast" Said-

"I don't want Your Crappy Breakfast, RIO" I Said

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