Chapter 38 "Son-In-Law Talk"

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Bea's POV:

I walked into The Control Room and I saw Speedy was standing and He was looking at The Big Screen and I guess He was looking at Security Cameras and-

"Watcha looking at?" I Asked and-

"Nothing!" Said Speedy and He smiled innocently and-

I crossed My arms.

"What's going on?" I Asked

"Nothing is going on, My Bumblebea, Don't You gotta fix some of Our Cadets Vehicles?" Asked Speedy

"All Of Them are fix, Why?" I Asked

"Why do I gotta feeling that You are hiding Something?" I Asked

"I am not hiding anything" Said Speedy

"Speedy, I can tell that You are lying, I am not stupid" I Said

Speedy frown and I looked worried.

"What's Wrong?" I Asked

"Um...Someone is here..." Said Speedy

"Okay? Who?" I Asked

Speedy didn't say anything to Me, He take a few steps and He was standing in front of The Screen anymore, I looked at The Big Screen and-

"What is She doing here?!" I Asked

Speedy flinched as I raise My Voice and-

"I...I just found out, I was trying to find a way to not tell You because I don't want You to deal with Her because I know She'll just give You so much Stressed" Said Speedy

"I guess that My Mother is The only one who gives Me Stress" I Said

"I actually don't want The Cadets to see This" Said Speedy but-

"Too late" I Said but-

"Mom? You're Mom is here?" Asked Rod and-

"Oh Boy..." Said Speedy and-

"It's Alright Guys, Just go back to Your Room" Said Speedy but The Cadets crossed Their Arms.

"Everything is not alright, Mom? Are You okay?" Asked Swift

The Cadets looked at Me with worried looks on Their Faces, So did Speedy, I let a Tear came down My cheek.

They all hugged Me Tightly, I smiled and I hugged Them All Back.

"You guys are too cute" I Said and The Cadets giggled.

The Cadets and Speedy let Me go but They still had Their worry looks on Their Faces.

"Let's just act like She isn't here until She'll just goes away" Said Speedy

"Yeah...You all never met My Mother...She is a tough cookie to get Her to leave" I Said

"Trust Me, She got all that from Her previous experience relationships or One Night Stands..." I Said

Penny started to pull Me and I chuckled.

"What's The Hurry, Penny?" I Asked

Swift giggled.

"Penny wants to show You all of The pictures that She got from on Land and Underwater" Said Swift

I chuckled.

"I would love to see that" I Said and I was getting dragged By Penny and We laughed.


Speedy's POV:

I watched as My Wife and Cadets ran into Their Room, I turn around and I saw that Bea's Mother was still standing outside of The HQ.

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