Chapter 3

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The lesson was extremely boring but I still payed attention and completed all the work which was set.
Sapnap's POV:
As I walked into the dark, stuffy detention room, I saw him. Karl was already there, sitting in one of the chairs in the middle of the room. There was a teacher who sat, silently, on the big desk at the front of the class room. It was Miss Burns, she was the teacher who everyone loved, but in a way that you'd love your grandmother. Miss Burns was old and fragile, that's why most of the students were nice to her.

"Sit in the chair next to Karl, please." Miss Burns said, smiling at me and pointing to the chair.

I didn't say anything, I just nodded and then walked over to the empty chair. Karl looked up at me for a split second and then his eyes trailed back onto his paper. He was just doodling and drawing all over the page.

"I have to go to the office for a moment. I'll be back in a few minutes." Miss Burns said as he stood up and walked out of the classroom, leaving me and Karl alone.

I wanted to ask him why he never spoke to me. He'd always talk to everyone else in the group except me and I wanted to know if there was a real reason for this. Maybe I'm overthinking it?

Oh well. Only one way to find out..

Karl's POV:
"I have a question." the other boy said while looking at me.
"Go for it.." I replied, nervously .
"Did I do something to make you pissed at me?" Sapnap asked, bluntly.
"Huh?" I reply, not knowing what he's talking about.
"You just... you're so close with nearly everyone in the friend group, yet you always avoid me. Did I do something wrong?" Sapnap asked while plastering on a fake smile.

"No! No not at all. I just like to keep to myself a bit." I reply, trying not to sound rude.
"I see.. well, maybe we could get to know eachother..? Only if you're comfortable though!" he suggests.

I smile, awkwardly. Yes, I want to get to know him.. but he also wants to get to know me. And what would I say?
'Yeah. So, long story short.. I'm homeless!'
'So.. guess what! I slept in a vent yesterday since I don't have a bedroom!'
So yeah, I'm fucked. What am I supposed to say?

"So? Wanna get to know each other?" Sapnap repeated himself. How could I say no? He smiled at me with one of the most biggest, most gorgeous smiles I've ever seen.

"Sure." I agreed. Purely because I liked Sap. I think he'd be a good friend to have. He seems so supportive and outgoing. I need more friends like that.

For the next 15 minutes, me and Sapnap were talking and getting to know each other. I really like him. We've gotten really close in such a short amount of time.
"No way! You can't prefer Mars bars over Flakes. They're so much better." Sap argued, laughing and trying not to get over excited.
"Hell no! What the honk are you talking about? Mars bars and AMAZING." I replied, laughing.

"Did you just say honk?" he raised an eyebrow.
"Oh- uhh.. yeah! I say that sometimes." I said, awkwardly.
"It's cool." he smiles at me and I'm not sure why, but I feel my cheeks warm up.

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