7 / orphic

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im still learning how to be me
and i think that's okay.

dazed and confused


"...Counting on it." I hear Clarke finish as I jog up beside her and Wells, walking in the woods.

"Counting on what?" I ask.

"These kids being dangerous criminals." Wells mutters.

"Aren't we all?" I whisper to myself. They both look at me. I shake my head and sigh. "Come on. We should move faster if we wanna find Jasper alive." I glance to my right to see Bellamy and John walking towards us.

"What's the rush? You don't exactly survive a spear through the heart." Bellamy says, holding his gun up in the air.

"You also don't survive a knife to the throat." I make point of lifting up the hem of my shirt, revealing the hilt of my knife. "But we can try it, if you'd like." Smirking, I glance at John. He stares me up and down and licks his lips.

"She's hot." He mumbles to Bellamy, loud enough so that I hear it as well. I tilt my head at him and look him up and down.

"Not too bad yourself, Johnny." I give him another smirk. Bellamy gives us both an unimpressed look and huffs his breath.

"Put the gun away, Bellamy. Knife too, Char." Wells orders, his voice angered, probably by Murphy and I. Oh well, I'm a single women, I'll flirt with whoever I damn well please. I roll my eyes and drop my shirt back down. I raise my eyebrows at Bellamy and wait for him to put that goddamn gun away. Surprisingly, he does.

"Jasper screamed when they moved him. If the spear hit his heart, he would've died instantly." Clarke says, turning around to face Bellamy. "It doesn't mean we have time to waste."

"As soon as you take this wristband off, we can go." Bellamy grabs Clarkes wrist and pulls it towards him, giving her a mocking smirk.

"The only way The Ark is gonna think I'm dead," She jerks her hand away from him. "Is if I'm dead. Got it?"

"Brave girl," He scoffs, looking to John. "Thinking she's in charge."

"Back the hell off, Bellamy," I glance over his shoulder to see Finn catching up to us, saving the day. "You call this a rescue party?" Got to split up, cover more ground. Clarke, you're with me." Finn takes her wrist and they walk off into a separate direction. I liked the splitting up plan, just not the fact that I was left with my ex, my best friends brother, and a hot guy I've been flirting with.

"Groups of two?" I look between the boys. "I'll go with-"

"John. You're coming with me." Wells interrupts, envy filling his voice. Seriously?

"Wells, you're really leaving me with Dickhead over here," I glance at Bellamy. "Because you're jealous?" I question, raising my voice.

"Yep." He starts walking backwards. "But maybe this is the perfect opportunity for you to ask Bellamy why he thought you would take off your own wristband."

"And why is that, Wells?" I narrow my eyes at Bellamy.

"Your past." And with that, Wells stalks off, John following a couple feet behind.

we all die anyways   x   bellamy blake/the 100Where stories live. Discover now