33 / aegean

846 18 45

my heart is yours
it's you that i hold onto



Bellamy and I had been taken to a medium size room that hadn't been impacted by the landing. There was electricity—the solar panels still worked. This meant that the sliding door connecting our jail cell to the hallway could be locked with a code, which it currently was. Two guards stand with guns by the door, which was stupid, considering Bellamy and I were both unarmed.

When we first arrived, they searched both Bellamy and I. On Bellamy, they found two pocket knifes. They took my scabbard and the knife my father gave me. My back felt bare, lighter. I had gotten used to the weight of my sword and didn't like it's absence.

Then, they unbounded our hands, and fed us dinner. Dinner, meaning a cup of water and some questionable Ark food. We scarf it down anyways. I had taken for granted the different berries and meats I had been eating. During dinner, I glance up at him, a question I was scared to ask on the tip of my tongue.

"Bellamy." I say gently, swallowing. "Octavia's alright, right? What happened with her?"

I knew that if something bad had happened, he would've been much worse mentally.

He pauses. "Lincoln took her. To heal her. I don't know where she is, but I know she's safe."

I close my eyes and let a shaky breath out, nodding. "Okay. That's good."

After dinner, we sit quietly, keeping to ourselves. The lights in our cell didn't turn off yet, but I knew within an hour that it was dark outside.

I realize something, just sitting there. My father hadn't said anything about my grandmother, meaning she was dead.

It hurt, but I knew I couldn't allow myself to become hung up on this. Too many lives were already lost. I'd never move on if I let myself grieve.

"We should try to get some sleep, Belly." I announce, breaking the silence.

We were sitting on the right side of the room, as far from the door as possible. I was tucked in the corner, and Bellamy was a couple feet away from me.

He shakes his head. "I can't sleep knowing that they're out there, and we're stuck in here."

"Exactly, Bellamy. We're stuck. We can't go anywhere until my father lets us leave. He's not gonna do that tonight. So sleep."

I pause, looking him up and down. "And no offense, you look like shit."

"Like you look any better."

I smile. "I don't think any of this blood is my own. You can't say the same."

He scoots closer to me, leaning his back on the wall and laying his legs out straight. "Yeah, I got the shit kicked out of me."

"Multiple times." I add, turning my head towards him.

He laughs softly, turning his head towards me as well.

Him laughing was the highlight of my day.

We look at each other for a few more moments before my gaze falls onto my lap.

After a few minutes, Bellamy speaks.

"I'm sorry about your dad." He says. My throat constricts. "Him locking you up, and saying he didn't care about what happened to you—"

I don't dare look up.

"It's just—" He sighs. "It's not fair to you. He's a dick for it."

we all die anyways   x   bellamy blake/the 100Where stories live. Discover now