15 / cruciātus

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be soft enough
to bend in the storm



"Hold it down!"

"I got it!"

I watch as multiple older delinquents attempt to bring our makeshift door to the Drop-ship—a piece of the parachute—inside, instead of letting it whip in the dangerous wind and rain that lay outside. I had never seen a storm like this. I know I've only been on Earth for such a small time, but this didn't feel right. Pacing the room, hands on my hips, I try to drown out Raven's constant talking.

"This is Raven Reyes, calling Ark Station. Come in, Ark Station." She repeats, over and over again, using her hands to fiddle with the radio, which was creating a static noise. Beside her, lay Finn's unconscious body, knife still lodged in his bare chest. Clarke stands over him. I could only guess what she was feeling in the moment—it wasn't good.

Most of the delinquents had stayed on the first level—wanting to know if the radio worked. So far, they had stayed out of the way, mostly staying quiet.

My arm throbbed, and I felt nauseous. Sick to my stomach. That feeling was explained, though. Every time I would look at the dying boy, the sickness would double. I pull my jacket on, suddenly feeling cold.

Bellamy had left a while ago with Jasper and Monty, anger evident on his face. I had no idea where he went, nor did I care. I just wanted him to be back here, safe, where the storm wouldn't take his stubborn ass out.

"This is a restricted channel. Who are you, please identify yourself." A male voice speaks from the radio. My eyes widen and I push myself to the front of the small crowd that had formed by Raven, Clarke, and the radio.

Holy shit.

"This is Raven Reyes. I'm from Mecha Station. I-I'm transmitting from the ground. The 100 are alive. Please, you need to get Dr. Abby Griffin. Dr. Abby Griffin, now." The desperation in Raven's voice was evident.

"Hang on, Raven. We're trying to boost your signal." The same male voice speaks.

"Sinclair?" I question quietly, furrowing my brows at Raven. She nods, a smile taking her face.

"Raven. Are you there?" A new voice speaks, female.


Clarke scrambles to take the radio, gripping it tightly.

"Mom? Mom, it's me."


I could hear the relief in each of their voices. I tap my foot impatiently. I just wanted to hear one voice. One voice.

Clarke notices that.

"Mom—quickly. Is Kane there? Someone wants to say 'hi'."

A slight pause on the other end. I can only stare at the radio, waiting. My breath seems caught in my lungs.

"I'm here."

we all die anyways   x   bellamy blake/the 100Where stories live. Discover now