25 / adust

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i think we make a lovely mess
don't you think?

every little thing she does is magic
sleeping at last (cover)


Clarke and I stare out into the forest, just watching.

I was thinking about John—we had let him stay for the past two days and so far, he hasn't fucked it up.

And about the kids who died.

So many.

Ella, a sweet 16 year old girl who had personally made it her mission to collect all the flowers possible and give them to her girlfriend, Grace.

Both dead by choking on their own blood.

Ashton, Mike, Lola, James, Connor, and more.

All died from choking—all except Connor. He just stopped breathing. His body simply gave up.

Behind us, Bellamy orders some kids about switching shifts before coming up by my side.

"Anything?" He asks.

I shake my head, eyes still trained on the woods.

"It's been two days." Clarke says. "Maybe the bomb at the bridge scared them off for good."

"No, it didn't." I say, swallowing. "They're coming."

Bellamy glances at me, looking me up and down. His eyes settle on the sword-strap placed across my chest.

Bellamy shakes his head and starts moving—checking out the perimeter. We follow, me by his side and Clarke trailing behind.

"Jasper thinks he can cook up some more gunpowder—if he gets some sulfur—and Raven says she can turn that into landmines. So, uh, be careful where you step." Bellamy watches me while saying this, almost hitting a tree in front of him.

He quickly moves out of the way and gives me a look that says don't say anything.

"Barbecued Grounders?" I question, tilting my head thoughtfully.

"Yum." Clarke responds.

Bellamy nods. "What I really need is 1,000 more of her tin can bombs I can roll into their village and blow those Grounders to hell."

Both of our faces fall.

I tuck a stray hair behind my ear. "Bellamy. This war is about us defending ourselves—not us attacking them."

He pauses. "Attacking them might be the only way to save us. You saw what they did to John."

I frown. "Of course I did. I just can't believe we survived the bombs just to kill each other again. It's sad."

As we walk, a familiar face pops in to view. Sterling—who was watching guard with another boy.

I smile as we pass, slowing down.

"Well hello, miss Kane," He says, turning his body towards mine. "Up for another game?"

I scoff. "Confidently, I can say that I will never drink again."

Bellamy and Clarke stop as well, watching our conversation. Bellamy crosses his arms tightly.

"Well," He tilts his head to the side. "I've proven to be very convincing. Who knows? Maybe you'll find yourself in need of a, ahem, drink soon."

"Right. And I should go to you if I need this... drink, right?" I say back, obviously knowing that 'drink' didn't mean an actual drink.

Part of my heart tugs at me for Wells, but I push it aside. I'll never move on if my heart won't take risks.

we all die anyways   x   bellamy blake/the 100Where stories live. Discover now