23 / cafuné

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eyes seem to have a
language of there own,
don't you think?

from the dining table
harry styles


God, it felt good to run with my katana on my back. It freed me of any thoughts about my father, the sickness, Bellamy. It was a good break. All I could focus on was the forest around me and the crunch below my feet. Octavia was behind me, like always, and I found myself having to slow down ever so slightly so she didn't fall behind.

We arrive to camp, and immediately I know something bad is happening. Three gunshots ring out. I move through the crowds. A boy was pointing a gun at Clarke—who was standing in front of the Drop-ship with a gun pointed towards the sky. Chaos laced the entire camp.

I push through the crowd quickly, coming up behind the boy.

"They won't have to kill us if we all catch the virus. Get back in the damn Drop-ship!" The boy shouts.

I kick the hollow of his knee—just like what I did to Anya. It sends him tumbling down, but I quickly grab him by his hair and hold him up, his knees planted in the dirt. My right hand finds the hilt of my sword and I easily pull it out before placing it across his jugular, pressing dangerously hard on his neck.

I look to the gun that remained in his right hand.

"Drop—the—fucking—gun." I demand.

He quickly tosses it. Bellamy makes silent eye contact with me and he kneels down to pick it up. I release the boy and put my sword back.

In front of me, Clarke sways and the gun falls out of her grasp. Finn darts to her side, picking her up bridal style before she could fall to the ground, her sickness overcoming her and making her faint.

Raven calls out the her boyfriend. "Finn, don't touch her!"

Octavia stands close behind me.

"Hey, let me go." Clarke pleads, voice exhausted. "I'm okay."

"No, you aren't." He whispers back.

Clarke looks to us through heavily lidded eyes. "Do you guys have it?

"There is no cure." I say, shaking my head.

"But the Grounders don't use the sickness to kill." Octavia pips up.

"Really?" Bellamy spits out, pointing to a pile of dead bodies behind him. "Tell that to them."

I pause, looking to the ground.

"I warned you two about seeing that Grounder again." He says.

"Well we have a warning for you too, Bellamy." I speak up, so that the other delinquents hear me. "The Grounders attack at first light. They're coming."

Everyone breaks out into murmurs, some immediately going to prepare for war. Octavia tries to get to Clarke, but Bellamy grabs her forearm. She looks down at their connected arms before roughly pulling hers away and moving back to Clarke.

"Come on." She says to Finn. "I'll help you get her into the Drop-ship."

I look to Raven. "How many bullets can you make by first light?"

we all die anyways   x   bellamy blake/the 100Where stories live. Discover now