Hermiones first transformation

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When we left for the woods the rest changed and I walked until we saw a vampire then I started shaking violently and my body felt hot I took my shirt off I also had an idea of what was happening to me at that moment i was becoming a wolf like my big brother Sam is but he's alpha

^pretend this is Hermione's transformation^

when I changed I could here all of the pack's thoughts but they didn't notice me they where paying attention to the vampire so I snuck behind him and got him from behind which got me surprised looks from the wolves but I just went up to Sam and gave him a kiss on the cheek which he growled at because he didn't know who I was until he turned to check on me then he heard my thought 'it's me Sammy don't tell me you couldn't tell that your little sister changed whilst you where distracted'

'Mia that's you wow your so beautiful in that wolf form little sis I'm so proud of you' then he came up to me and nuzzled me with his nose and I did it back and the other wolves congratulated me on my first change then Sam said in his wolf form that him and the pack are going to keep a close eye on me so I don't change out of anger or hurt anyone because I'm the easiest in the pack to anger

'Mia that's you wow your so beautiful in that wolf form little sis I'm so proud of you' then he came up to me and nuzzled me with his nose and I did it back and the other wolves congratulated me on my first change then Sam said in his wolf form th...

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^ this is Hermione's wolf and Hermione transformed into this in the video^

we all went back and the boys plus Leah changed back but I couldn't so I started to panic whilst they tried to calm me down enough to try help me but it just wasn't working then Paul said "only if she had turned earlier and imprinted that person would be able to calm her down"

all of a sudden the rest came out because they heard a lot of commotion outside they also saw me but the boys and Leah where trying to block me from site but it didn't work because I was freaking out a lot so they saw me

Emily just hid behind the professors which made the pack confused then I started looking around seeing my friends and the Slytherins which I put my head down in shame with my tail tucked under me and I laid down so the pack sat next to me with Sam rubbing my head comforting me

I looked back up from the ground then I don't know what came over me because I looked at Malfoy and stared in his eyes and all of a sudden it's like gravity moves... suddenly it's not the earth holding me here he is I will be whatever he needs me to be whether that's a protector, or a lover, or a friend

soon as I realised that I've just imprinted on mal-Draco my eyes widen which the pack notices so they got of me congratulated me then backed of as I started crawling to the Slytherin's to get to Draco but they backed of so did Draco which made me stop then start whimpering and whining

"oi blondie go up to the wolf and stroke her she won't do anything now go" I growled at Embry since he said it to my imprint so he put his hands up and backed away then Draco came over so I went low to the ground to show that I wouldn't hurt him

he came to me stuck his hand out so I could sniff it, I did then licked it so he started stroking me so I rolled over for a belly rub which he did whilst the pack laughed at me but I ignored them then little Greengrass said "DRAKIE DON'T GET TOO CLOSE IT MIGHT BITE YOU" she shrieked in a high pitched voice so I growled at her for telling my imprint to stay away from me

"no she won't Asti or she wouldn't let me do this" I whine at that cause he called her Asti instead of her full name so I kind of let a low warning growl out at her whilst facing her she hid behind Draco who was next to me

"where's Hermione!" harry said finally noticing I'm not there which Sam replied with she's gone to do something she'll be back soon don't worry

soon everyone went in and I went to the woods to change back and I also have to borrow some of Leah's clothes when I got into the house it was quiet but loud because of the pack and when I entered the living room the pack gave me a hug and congratulated me then lastly Sam did and gave me a proper big hug

harry, Ginny, Ron, lavender, Neville and Luna came up to me and started gloating how they saw a wolf but then they said that it only stayed with Draco "Hermione guess what you will never believe what happened a wolf came out of the woods but it looked scared at first then it came round as soon as it looked at Malfoy then it perked up straight away and went towards him but whimpered and whined when he backed off from her then when he started stroking her she let him then Greengrass said something to him so she growled but don't know why she stayed with that death eater"

As soon as harry said that I growled at him so he backed up a bit and said "Hermione did you just growl at me your not a animal or a dog you know" then he started conversing with the others except from the pack and the Slytherins


all of us heard loads of commotion outside so we decided to go take a look but when we got outside we saw the guys and Leah trying to hide a giant wolf but we saw it because it looked like it was freaking out then the Emily girl hid behind the professors which the others by the wolf looked confused which was strange

what also shocked me was that the wolf didn't attack anyone it just looked at all of us then it put it's head down like it was in shame then tucked it's tail underneath its self and laid down on it's stomach which the people sat by the wolf and the Sam guy started stroking it's head like he was comforting it

the wolf then picked it's head up and looked around when it looked at Malfoy it's eyes widened then the others congratulated it and got up and off so it can go then it got up and started crawling towards the Slytherins backed away so the wolf stopped and started whimpering and whining so someone spoke up

"oi blondie go up to the wolf and stroke her she won't do anything now go" which was funny because he was talking to Malfoy but the wolf didn't like that and growled at the Embry guy

Malfoy then walked up to her and she went low to the ground to show she won't hurt him he then went and stuck his hand out to her so it could sniff his hand and she licked it so he started stroking her then she rolled onto her back for a belly rub which the others laughed at then little Greengrass screeched "DRAKIE DON'T GET TOO CLOSE IT MIGHT BITE YOU" which the wolf growled at

i didn't hear any thing else because I was looking for Hermione so I asked Sam but he said she'll be back later then we went in and not two seconds later Hermione entered so we gloated about seeing a wolf but she didn't look interested until I called Malfoy a death eater then she growled at me which I couldn't believe because she's not a animal or dog so I mentioned this then she just ignored it and walked away.

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