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When I came to the top of the cliff that me an my pack jump off of all the time fooling around in front of Sam I laid down in my wolf form looking out to the ocean then I saw something out in the trees so I followed to see if it was a vampire and it was so I ran an ran until I caught it an killed it

After that I was strolling then I transformed back into my self an walked out onto the beach which I saw my friends an then I looked at my imprint staring out into the sea not bothering with anyone at all then all the pack came as well so I left and walked pass them off of the beach which as I was walking I saw that Bella girl come onto the beach which I was angry at first then I saw her going over to Jake and arguing then Paul stepped in to stick up for him but I saw her slap him which then he phased and so did Jake which then I did to protect Draco

I ran over and was growling at them all but I didn't move from my spot in front of Draco but I did move a little tho as I crouched low to the ground growling and snapping at them both but then Sam came an broke them up, Bella looked pretty smug about it all finding it funny

"Mia ur here I've...we've missed u so much u don't understand it's been 2 weeks without u I couldn't bear it" Draco said coming over

"Ik drake but she was all over u which I could not stand as u r my imprint and mine only" as I say that greengrass came over and started shouting at me but then she went to hit me but I blocked her, then I threw her hand down

"Listen here mudblood drakie is mine not urs so get lost these last 2 weeks without u have been the best time of my life like when drakie came into bed with me and we had so much fun" Astoria said whilst smirking at me

I just glared at her turned away and as I was about to phase Draco came to me an kissed me in front of everyone then Bella went an drove away but then as she left we got a call off of Carlisle saying he needed us all there as their was something they needed help with

When we got there they where waiting outside for us then Carlisle came forward "we need ur help there is a new born army coming for Bella and we need all the help we can get" he said which then Sam stepped forward

"Fine we will help as Bella is still a human so we r gonna help fight, what about u lot?" He asked my professors and my friends and the Slytherins which my professors agreed to help them out which I walked off from everyone to clear my head

"Wait hermione where r u going?" Harry said which then everyone's heads turned to me which I just glanced at him then walked off from all of them

As I came to the end of the cliff I saw something which I transformed as it was vampire and I chased it down but as I got to it there where more which I had to howl for my pack an hopefully the Cullens heard as well which I think they all did as I felt people in the pack phasing.

Dramione (Harry Potter/twilight crossover)Where stories live. Discover now