Sams pov

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After I told Hermione to watch her anger and not to get into any fights I let her go and watched as she went into the woods with her friends Emily came up to me and rubbed my arm

"come on Sammy leave her let her go to school why are you so worried about her" Em said but I can't tell her what Hermione is not yet anyway

"I'm worried because she's new at that school and the Cullens are there" I told her which is not a complete lie

Then I went to do patrol with the pack "hey Sam did Hermione get off to school alright" Jake said when we were running through the woods

"yeh she did I'm just worried about her just in case she shifts or loses her temper or something like that" I told them but I was confused on why Jake was so protective an stuff of her like she was his imprint

"I'm sure she'll be fine Sam she's tuff and can handle her self" Paul said

"I know she is but with the way that girl is all over her imprint she might lose it" I replied with a worried tone

When we patrolled we headed back to mine and waited for Hermione to return


it was time for Hermione and her friends to get back from school I was waiting sat outside with the pack When a car came which was the Cullens and that Bella girl Jake goes on and on about

"Where's Hermione why isn't she with you and why are you lot with them" I questioned them all

"We where on our way back and these lot wouldn't let us walk back something about it being dangerous and then when we did get in the car I don't know what happened she got mad and then told Edward to stop the car then she went out and then Edward stopped her then she ran into the woods then we don't know where she went" the platinum blonde haired boy said

"We'll why did she go off it must have been something" jake said worriedly as he came back out of the house

"We don't know why she did she just ran off into the woods" the girl who was clinging on to the platinum blonde said

Then there was movement in the bushes which made us all alert then Hermione stepped out of the woods and I walked up to her with a angry expression on my face because I was angry at her for running off

I started shouting at her"MIA WHERE WERE YOU I WAS WORRIED WHEN YOU DIDN'T COME BACK WITH THE REST ONLY TO FIND OUT THE CULLENS BROUGHT THEM BACK AND NOW YOU WHERE COMING OUT OF THE WOODS YOU COULD OF GOT HURT" which everyone came back outside when they went in soon as they saw Hermione knowing I was going to tell her off

"I WANTED TO WALK HOME MYSELF BECAUSE I GOT TOO WARM IN THERE SO I WALKED HOME IF THATS OK WITH YOU SAMUEL SO DON'T SHOUT AT ME" she screamed at me that seemed to shock her friends when she looked at them but when she turned back to me I was towering over her making her submit when she looked back at me but then her friends interrupted

"What are you doing to her stop it" the red headed boy said

We all then calmed down and went in when we got in Hermione went upstairs to her room Where all of them will be staying

Then I felt something wrong upstairs so I went to Hermione's room where she was and saw her shaking and a girl kissing her imprint so I grabbed her arm and dragged her down stairs then shoved her outside when she transformed so I transformed I knew her friends where there but I didn't care at the moment I was getting my little sister to calm down

Because some girl was all over her imprint but soon as she said that she needs help or she'll do something it made my heart break for her.

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