Draco finds out about Hermione

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^don't watch video until I tell u to watch it^

We walked towards the woods alone when we got further in to the woods I spun around took a deep breath an said "urmyimprintanimashapeshiftingwolf" I said rushed and nervously which Draco replied with "woah slow down granger say it a bit slower I didn't understand u"

"U r my imprint and I'm a shapeshifting wolf" I say in a nervous tone "what does imprint mean granger" he asked with curiosity in his eye

"An imprint is that it's not earth holding u hear anymore, he does... you become whatever he needs u to be whether that's a protecter,or a lover, or a friend. So u see Draco imprinting is really important in my pack just like having mates is in the Cullen family" I say to which he looks shocked but he doesn't say anything which scared me to which I turn around about to leave when he grabs my arm and pulls me back to him

"Don't go, so that's why u where acting strange every time Astoria is around and why u always growl at her and stay with me when ur a wolf, I think it's cool but do I have to accept" he says to me

"U don't have to but it's the best option to accept but u can reject me" I say worriedly then he said "what happens if I reject u" he asked me in a worried tone

I told him what happens if he rejects me "well if u reject me depending on the person if they've been through a lot when young then when there imprint rejects them it'll tip them over the edge in a bad way but if that hasn't happened then they'll turn bad but not as bad" I say watching his reaction to which I didn't like his face he was doing

"Wow gra-Hermione I didn't know it was that important to you and ur pack but I want to let u know before u go that I'll accept the imprinting thing" he said seriously which shocked me

"Draco r u sure u know u will be stuck with me always and forever" I say looking into his eyes but instead of replying he just pulled me in an kissed me which made my heart skip a beat then we went back to school which we had pe now

As we walked he put his arm around my shoulders to which I rapped my arm around his waste when we walked in to school we went and joined everyone for pe which everyone turned and looked at us but I don't care


When she told me everything I was shocked but happy about it so I accepted it which she was really happy about then we headed back to school and to p.e when we where walking I put my arm around her shoulders so she put her arm around my waist when we arrived in pe everyone stared at us and as usual all the girls where sat out to the side

After pe we went and changed into our clothes then we all met up "drakie what where u doing with mud blood" Astoria said to me when us lot met up

"Don't u dare call her that greengrass" I say shocking everyone "lets go home shall we drake" Mia said to me " hey wait up beautiful" which made her blush " do u wanna apparate home or run In the woods if u know what I mean" she says which I straight away chose run in woods with that we went outside and Into the woods to which she turned into a beautiful wolf and I jumped on her back and she ran back to her house when we got there it was quiet too quiet so Hermione changed back and I had to look away until she was dressed then we went in

"SAM WHERE R U!" Mia shouted but no answer when she called him a few times so she phoned him no answer then professor Snape and mcgonaggle came in

"They have gone out children" uncle sev says then Mia looked really worried " where has everyone gone professor" she asks in a panicked tone

"They have gone somewhere called la push with two girls Emily the one who lives hear and another one called Bella I think" professor mcgonaggle said

"Ok thanks see u soon professors" Mia says then grabs my hand and apparates to some woods that is near a beach but when we saw everyone even our
school mates mia looked mad as I was too but if one of us was gunna beat them the other has to be the calm one not angry or owt but as she stormed towards them there was a few others there we didn't know but Hermione didn't care she was gunna start a fight or shout at someone which would probably be Sam

"SAMUEL ULEY HOW DARE U GO DOWN TO THE BEACH AND NOT TELL US AT ALL  I WAS WORRIED ABOUT YOU AND I TRIED CALLING BUT NO ANSWER WHAT THE HELL COMING OUT HERE AND DON'T BOTHER TELLING ME WHERE U WERE GOING" Hermione says in a tone that terrifies me and by the looks of it our friends as well since we all know what happens when u cross her and make her mad at u

"mia come on this isn't fair with all the time ur home late" sam says in a calm tone

"YES BUT ATLEAST I DONT LEAVE THE HOUSE WHEN UR OUT AND NOT TELL U WHERE I WAS GOING DID I NO COZ THERE WOULD BE HELL TO PAY IF I DID WOULDNT THERE SAMUEL YES THERE WOULD COZ GOD FORBID ME NOT TELLING U WHERE I WAS GOING OR DOING OR WHO I WAS WITH" she screams at him again but u could tell she was mad and upset over it all so I went up to her and put my arm around her to comfort her which shocked everyone from school

"LISTEN HEAR YOUNG LADY DONT U DARE RAISE UR VOICE AT ME I MIGHT BE UR BROTHER BUT IM STILL ALPHA AND U LISTEN TO ME I DONT NEED TO TELL U WHERE I AM 24/7 DO I NO I DIDNT THINK SO" he screamed back at her by now mia was gonna lose control so I just pulled her into my chest to let her calm down

then we heard laughing "did u see grangers face it was priceless" it was Astoria talking but we just stayed quiet because we didn't want another argument then obviously Emily had to come up to us and start on us "how dare u speak to Sammy like that he could kick u out of the pack if he wanted to" with that she slaps Hermione
^watch add now but don't watch the first bit watch where Bella slaps Paul and imagine Bella as Emily and Paul as Hermione then Jacob as Sam^

When Hermione and Sam returned I ran up to her and checked to see if she was alright and not hurt or owt but Sam just said "don't u have something to say to Emily Mia" he looked at Emily and checked her over but Mia ignored him and was checking me over to see if I was alright

"Mia" he said in a commanding voice but she just rolled her eyes turned to Emily and said "fine I'm sorry about that there happy now" with that she turned around and went out into the back garden where we where gonna have a barbecue

"Wasn't that a bit babyish granger doing that to ur brothers fiancé honestly ur pathetic" pansy said but I turned round and said "Parkinson enough trying to cause drama please" she just rolled her eyes and replied with "why should I stop she stole u from Asti" but I just said "yeh an how much did u sleep with me behind Astorias back"

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