dinner and a unexpected visitor

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I went to see if Emily was alright in the kitchen which she replied coldly that she was so I walked out and set the table for dinner soon Emily was out of the kitchen and put them on the table and gave Sam a quick kiss then sat down

soon as we where all talking and eating we heard the door go so I stood and said "I'll go" so I opened the door and was shocked with who I saw but that quickly turned to anger and I started shouting "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE YOU HAVE NO RIGHT AFTER TAKING ME AWAY FROM MY BROTHER SO i DON'T CARE IF YOUR MY FATHER OR NOT YOU SHOULDN'T BE HERE YOU DID NOTHING FOR US NOTHING AT ALL"

I was shaking with rage so the pack came and Leah and Jacob took me to the woods to try calm me down but it didn't work then I heard father he phased and my thoughts drifted to my imprint and my instincts where telling me to protect him so i went back with Leah and Jake behind me

when we got back I saw father in his wolf form and was advancing onto the Slytherins more specifically Draco so when they started running in different directions but all of them stopped running but Draco kept running because father was advancing towards him

he ran straight towards me and I to him which he saw and said "GRANGER RUN,GRANGER RUN" which I hesitated for a second but then ran full force at Draco but soon as he fell I jumped and transformed mid air then we started fighting which I won

^pretend Jacob is Hermione and Bella is Draco and Paul's Hermione's and Sam's father and start this from when Paul transformed^

everyone was just shocked that I was a wolf and then obviously Greengrass had to go up to my imprint and say "Drakie are you alright I was scared he was going to hurt you" then she continued to go ahead and kiss him

I was standing right there so I just started growling and snarling at them to get them to stop which they did and turned to look at me which then I just laid down on my stomach whining but that's because I was badly injured so my friends ran to me and then Sam said "I'll go call Carlisle" which got loads of growls and snarls from the boy's and Leah

I was confused by that but it stopped when Sam gave them a glare as if to say my sister needs help so I'm calling him when he went to call him I changed back then harry tried to carry me but I started growling at him so Collin stepped in and said "leave her let the blonde boy carry her she will only let him or her brother but he's on the phone"

soon as he said that Ron stepped forward and started shouting "NO I'M NOT LETTING THAT DEATH EATER CARRY HER INTO THE HOUSE" he then tried to hit Collin but I got up despite my body protesting and stopped him from hitting him by blocking but he looked scared because I was growling viciously at him

then Draco came and pick me up which I calmed down instantly in my imprints arms then he carried me inside


I just got back from work and sat down but I heard my family talking about new people coming to there school for a month so I went outside to them and said "hello everyone"

"hi Carlisle"

"hi Mr Cullen"

"Bella how many times do I have to tell you to call me Carlisle"

then I got a call "hello who's this"

"it's Sam Carlisle I need your help"

"what's wrong Sam"

"it's my sister she got into a fight with my father and is badly injured please help me"

"ok where are you?"

"I'm at my house"

"ok I'm on my way now"

as soon as I got of the call I went to get my medical things when the rest came in and Bella said "where are you going Carlisle" Edward said

"I'm going to Sam's place apparently he has a sister and she is badly injured"

"I'm coming Carlisle I want to see Jake I haven't seen him in ages" Bella said so I just nodded

"we're also coming Carlisle it might be a trap and I want to protect Bella" Edward said so I nodded

"ok but I don't think it's going to be a trap he sounded really worried" with that said we all went to the wood's and ran there with Edward carrying Bella

when we got there all the pack came out and told us to follow them then Bella saw Jake and called out to him "Jake hi" but he just went into the house which was weird because he would normally go up to Bella and hug her so we went after that

"where is she" I asked

"this way" then Sam lead the way

I got to work when I was finished I went out and told Sam "she has a deep bite mark on her side but there's something else she has scars on her body which look really old and the wound your father gave her is going to scar" then all the pack and people we don't know went running into the room

then Jake came out and started thanking me a lot which meant that the girl was really special to him and he looked more worried than he ever did with Bella which was strange because he was like that over Bella but since this girl came he hasn't talked to her as much than he used to

"why are you so protective over her Jake you hardly talk to me any more did you imprint on her or something" when Bella said this everyone came out of the room the girl is in

"no I haven't imprinted on her but-" he was stopped by a girl's voice that sounded kind of demanding

"that's enough Jacob no need to explain your self to her or the other's" we all looked in the direction of the girl and it was the girl I helped

"you shouldn't be up Hermione, Jake help me get Hermione onto the couch" Sam said then Jake went and helped but the girl Hermione growled at them so they said

"alright, alright don't need to bite my head of" when she growled at them Bella looked mad and marched over to her with everyone trying to stop her

"don't you dare give Jake a command that's Sam's job not yours he's the leader not you and don't you dare growl at him he's trying to help you but you disrespect him and why hasn't he got in touch with me yet I bet it's because of you isn't it" before I could say anything else i got told to get back

"Hermione calm down" Sam said in an alpha voice

then Jacob tried but it didn't work and she transformed into a wolf which shocked all of us so Seth spoke up and said "oi blondie go calm her down NOW!" which in response got him a growl off of the wolf

the blond boy went up and she automatically stopped growling and crouched low to the ground and let him go over to her and started stroking her so she went and rolled onto her back for a belly rub which he obliged

then a blond girl went to them and tried to take the boy away from her to which she stood up and went in front of him and started growling at her and lowered herself into a protective stance

she then calmed because the boy was by her which could mean he's her imprint but soon after we left and waited till morning when the kids are going to school

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