The vampire army is coming

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I ran away and into the woods to calm down but when I got further into the woods I felt a presence around like it was watching me so I stopped that's when it ran towards me and it pinned me down so I couldn't move it was a vampire I tried to fight it off but it didn't budge one bit then it sunk it's fangs into me but I broke free and went to kill it but it caught me and injured me badly but I knew where I was, I was near the Cullens place so I went there and knocked on the door.

Mr Cullen answered it and looked shocked then he called someone I couldn't make out but I knew that it was one of the Cullens they carried me and layed me down then some of them went out probably to tell my brother about it all when they got back I heard thuds and thuds of feet which was the pack,the Slytherins and Gryffindors but what calmed me was my imprints presence here

"Who attacked u Mia?" Sam asked in a vengeful tone

"We'll u probably would know her she has red hair and red eyes,she looked like she was looking for something or someone" I said in a tone full of hate

"Victoria she's back Edward why didn't u tell me that she was back" Bella said in her screechy tone she has

"I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to worry about it we'll have it sorted out don't worry bells" he replied but then we heard

"Asti stop this is serious can't u see grangers been badly injured by something" Draco said which surprised me and everyone else in Gryffindor and Slytherin

"But drakie u never complain or stop me when I try do stuff to u or when u do stuff to me I never complain about it or owt" she replied with a whiny voice

"Yes that was before granger got attacked by something" he said in a tone I'm not familiar with

I tried to get up but Sam pushed me down and I growled at him as if to say let me get up but he wouldn't budge at all so I gave up until I saw a opening to get up.

But that never came and I was forced to watch Greengrass try and snog my imprint but the final straw was when he said Astoria stop it now so I just growled at her as a warning but luckily no one else heard me and only greengrass and Draco.

When we heard something drop we all turned to the source of the noise which was the pixie vamp although no one knows I know about them which she just said " they're coming the newborn army and Victoria are nearly hear we need to go now all of us quick go to your places and get ready for anything mutts protect the humans" to which my friends and the Slytherins rolled there eyes at

"We don't need protection we can take care of our selfs" Blaise,Theo and Harry said to which Harry wasn't happy about

They all just laughed tho "Mia your staying here for your own safety" sam said as if I was gonna listen but I just nodded at him but my friends knew what I was going to do
They all left for the battle

"Hermione what do we do r we going to go and help fight or not" Ginny says with desperation to fight

"Yes we r gin but first someone help me up please so I can change" I asked and to my surprise Draco and blaise came and helped me get up

"Stand back boys and go into another room everyone
" they did as I said and I went into the room they where in then I crouched down looking at Draco and nodded as if to say get on to which he did without moving away from me then I stood up and started walking away with him.

"Come on what u lot what u waiting for" Draco said to everyone so they all started following us into the battle

"Drake do u think this is a good idea going to join the battle that we know nothing about" Blaise said to Draco

"Yeh I'm sure mate come on u lot let's go" Draco told everyone even the Gryffindor's when we got there I didn't let Draco off of my back but when I saw Leah in trouble I crouched down and let him off my back then I rise and snarl at the vamp and ran towards it to which it caught me and broke my arm so the others killed it when I transformed back into a human which no one saw so i shifted back  into a wolf and kept going

I went to where Edward and Bella where because my imprint went there as well with his friends to which I saw a red headed women head towards them but soon as I growled they all turned to me which I stalked towards her snarling but she just smirked like she could tell I was injured

But at least I'm distracting her from everyone else but the rest of the fight was done it was done so they where all coming towards us but when she leaped for Edward I did as well and caught her between my teeth and ripped her to shreds as I did that I kinda got injured again but I wasn't bothered I just went up to draco looking to see if he was injured which he wasn't so I just laid down because my paw hurts


I am messing around with Asti hoping to do something with her but as I was I was worried about granger because she hasn't returned yet and I think blaise and Theo can tell I'm worried about something so they came over "can we borrow him for a min Astoria" Theo asked her "sure just hurry up and bring him back to me I've got unfinished business with him" she said with a wink "will do"

They pulled me into a different room away from everyone and sat me down "right what's wrong with u drake" Blaise asked confused as to why I was looking so worried

"I'm worried about granger she just ran off owt could happen to her" I said in a worried tone Blaise and Theo looked shocked that I said I'm worried about granger because I would normally hate her but I don't know what it is but I can't help but feel a pull towards her

We heard a shout outside so we went to see what's happened and it was Sam on a phone call "WHAT WHO ON EARTH ATTACKED MY BABY SIS THEY'RE GONNA PAY! Ok Carlisle I'm on my way"

"What is it alpha what's wrong with Hermione"Jared said

"She's at Carlisle's we r going now is everyone coming with me" Sam said looking at all of us

"Yes we r" everyone replied to him but as I was about to follow Astoria was in my way and she whispered to me "why don't we stay hear and have a little fun" she said with a wink, running her hand up my chest but I just pushed her of and ran towards the others leaving a shocked Astoria behind

Soon as we got there mr Cullen answered we all rushed in to check on Hermione when we got to her she was inna pretty bad shape from something or someone and as I was trying to listen to the conversation I couldn't because Astoria was all over me

"Asti stop this is serious can't u see grangers been injured by something or some one" I said to her which seemed to shock granger,my friends and the Gryffindors

"But drakie u never complain when I try do stuff to u or when u do stuff to me I never complain about it or owt" she replied in a whiny voice

"That's before granger got attacked" I said In a voice that made her stop.

Skip to the newborn battle

When we got to the battle the wolf I was on wouldn't let me off of her back when she was fighting but I could tell she was injured still but finally she let me down but soon as she did she snarled then ran towards a vamp that had hold of one of her pack members but I went to where Cullen and Bella where with my friends when that red head showed up

"If u wanna kill Bella u have to go through me Victoria" Edward said to her

"So be it I'll kill u both or all of u" she said but as she lunged we heard a snarling and growling so we turned as a wolf jumped out and took down the red head woman but soon as the wolf did that it laid on its stomach licking it's paw but when the rest of the pack came the alpha one went up to the wolf and nudged it with its muzzle then it whined like it was talking.

All of a sudden the wolves went and came back as humans "mi come on you've got to change back into a human" Sam told her to which the wolf just nodded at him and then where the wolf was, was granger which shocked us all

"Carlisle please help her she's injured loads now" Sam said in a worried tone "ok I will heal her since she did save my son and his girlfriend" he said then we all went back to Sam's house where Emily was but she just smirked when she saw Hermione in a bad condition

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