Hanging around with the cullens

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I woke up in Draco's lap still in wolf form then the previous night flooded back to me like the plague but he looked so handsome sleeping I just couldn't wake him but soon as I saw him stirring I pretended to be a sleep when I felt his hand running through my fur so I pretended I was just waking up.

I got up and stretched then Draco got up and said "morning wolf how r u" in his morning voice so I just nodded to say I was alright.

"That's good at least your ok" he replied back then he went inside

I went and changed back and put some clothes on when I went inside Harry and everyone where there looking at me but Astoria had to say something "where were u then granger where u with some guy" she sneered at me

But I just barged passed her and went to the sofa and Asked Emily to make some muffins but she just ignored me and went to Sam so I got up an stormed into the kitchen to try calm and get away from everyone.

Where I started to cry but tried to stop then i heard a car outside which must be the Cullens coz we are going to there's to hang out now so I went out of the kitchen and out the front door

"Hey guys we ready to go" I said to them

"Yeh sure Bells go get the others please" Edward said

"Sure Ed" says bella I really don't like that girl

When she returned with the rest of the group we left and headed towards there house when we arrived we looked around and there was the guy who healed me after that fight with father and a woman I haven't seen before.

"Hi my names Hermione" I say to the lady

"Hello I'm Esme" the lady says in a soft voice

We all went inside and sat around and talked then esme offered us everyone said yes please but I said no thank you I'm not hungry which got me worried faces but I just blanked them out.

We heard a knock at the door "I'll get it" I said when I answered the door it was Jake at the door so i asked him what he wanted.

He just grabbed my arm and tried to pull me outside but i shoved him of then walked back In to which he followed me inside "wait Hermione " Jake said

"What do u want can't u tell I'm relaxing here" I said by now everyone was watching us

"I came to take u back Sam's snapping at everyone because he can't protect u here" he told me with pleading eyes but I just ignored him then all of a sudden we all heard a moan

"Drakie stop it everyone's watching us" greengrass said but Draco just smirked at her and carried on but what broke them a part was a noise outside which we went to have a look at

Then there was a man that came out "hmm this isn't really good on your part Carlisle having humans around wait until Aro finds out about this you fraternising with humans with the exception bella of course" said a blonde women with red eyes

"Who on earth are u to talk like that about my friends" I said glaring at her she just turned to look at me whilst looking me up and down she spoke

"Who r u to talk to me like that a member of the Volturi I will have u know I can get u executed for talking to me like that u human" she said whilst glaring at me

"Now now Jane remember what aro said" some boy I haven't even seen before told her

"Ahh yes he said when is the human gonna be turned aros getting impatient Edward" that Jane girl said which Edward replied with "she's being turned after the wedding" which seemed to please the Jane girl then they left

"Right I think it's time to go now my brother will be getting worried with what Jacob's probably told him come on everyone see u all later" I said and started to head towards the woods but realised no one was following so I turned around and saw them getting in cars so I just ran off and transformed when I got back Sam was angry yet again with me for not returning with the others.


"NO SAMUEL IM NOT GOING TO MY ROOM WHAT U GONNA DO NOW GIVE ME A BEATING LIKE FATHER AND THE GRANGERS DID" I screamed at him and I didn't care that everyone was watching us with shocked faces.

But what shocked me was that Sam raised his hand as if to hit me so I ran ran off to clear my mind.


when we arrived at the Cullens house it was nice an really big not like I would admit it tho but when we all went to sit down I pulled Asti on my lap and started kissing her neck when she said "drakie stop people are watching" when she said this I just looked at her and smirked at her then I carried on doing what I was doing to her.

What broke us apart was a noise outside so we all went to see what it was when a girl and boy came out and the blonde haired and red eyes girl said " hmm this isn't really good on your part Carlisle having humans around wait until aro finds out about this you fraternising with the humans with the exception of Bella of course" which shocked me to how this girl is being.

Then of course granger had to say something "who on earth do u think u r talking about my friends like that"

"Who r u to talk to me like that a member of the Voltury I will have u know I could get u executed for talking like that to me u human" wow this girl can shut granger up

"Now now Jane remember what aro said" the guy that was with the girl Jane said

"Ahh yes he said when is the human getting turned Aro is getting impatient" Sid the girl then Edward said "she will be after the wedding" said Edward which seemed to please the girl so they left

"Right I think it's time to go now my brother will be getting worried with what Jacob's probably told him come on everyone see u all later" said granger but when she said that she headed towards the woods but she turned back and we where getting into the cars so she ran off

When we got back the guys where there but Sam came up to us and said "where's Hermione why isn't she with u yet again?"

"She ran off into the woods she did tell us all to go with her tho" I told him whilst rolling my eyes

"Well she should of gone with u and not alone and stop making out in my house" he said and stormed outside when he heard something

"HERMIONE THIS IS THE SECOND TIME YOUR HOME LATE I DON'T CARE WHAT U HAVE TO SAY HO UP TO YOUR ROOM NOW" we heard Sam shout so we all went outside o see what was going on but what granger said shocked us

"NO SAMUEL IM NOT GOING TO MY ROOM WHAT U GONNA DO NOW GIVE ME A BEATING LIKE FATHER AND THE GRANGERS DID" she screamed at him which shocked me because she didn't show any signs of a beating like I used to which granger knew about from first year but what Sam did next shocked us he raised his hand to her as if to hit her but she just ran away

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