Year2: Athena

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Now it was Athena's turn to care of Shannon, it was agreed that even though they were preparing for a war of which the enemy was unknown, they would not disrupt the programme they already put in place for her, they would only alter it to cater for the circumstances as they arose I.e. In other words, things would continue to stay as they were.
Arriving at Athena's temple, the first Shannon did was to seek out the library.
Not wasting any time she sought to find out why Gration attacked the Hunt, what could they want?
Why were they attacking now?.
The questions would have continued if Hestia who feeling her inner turmoil at the recent occurrences appeared and patiently/gently coerced her to drop the subject, instead telling her to focus solely on the assigned test while also promising her that they would deal decisively with whoever the threat turned out to be. You could see a look of determination and finality in her eyes when she said that. He may lay the groundwork and help in eventual fight but he would not be the one to lead the fight this time.
Poseidon echoed the same thing as he entered the room followed by each and every other Olympian in their various domains thinking the same thing.
That matter buried away, it was time to see what Shannon found interesting from Athena's corner, she was already a good hunter as they had observed during her time with Artemis.
Heeding Hestia, Shannon picked up the book A Midsummer's night dream. As a child she always had a thing for fiction and fantasy which only grew the more when she found out that she was clear-sighted at the age of Twelve. Of all the children in the Orphanage she was the only one who saw through the mist, so she was seen as a weirdo and as a result was constantly picked on until she ran away from there.

Later on that day she decided to try out the Arena. She would have gone to Hephaestus forge to get armor for herself but Athena caught up to her and gave her blessing then summoned Hephaestus who did the same thing, saying with that their blessings at her disposal she could forge her own personal full set of full armor. Fully suited up she accepted Athena's challenge to spar.
With Artemis's blessing she was able to hold Athena to a standstill. Impressed Athena decided to train Shannon.
So it first became a weekly training session, then it progressed to a daily training session. It also helped them bond which was the intention of the test.
In a week thanks she became a master of the spear as she was already a master with the sword and shield.
They had finally become a mother and daughter, though their happiness would not last long as they wanted because Enceladus the master was interested in having her as their general then use her in getting Perseus Achilles Jackson.
Not wasting any time, Shannon attacked him, cutting him at the knees so he fell down on his face then Athena swiftly buried her spear in the back of his skull killing him.
If there was one thing Athena did not like it was being disturbed, she went to petition the Olympian council for an extension of their period together since it was interrupted by Enceladus.
Flashing to throne room, seeing that the gods were gathered she went straight to the reason she came there which was to petition them for more time with Shannon.
Hestia agreed with it seeing that Artemis time with Shannon was interrupted by Gration but she reminded them that Nyx had not gotten her share of the time allotted with Shannon, once they had done that, extensions would be looked at.
For the time being she would be under Hestia's protection until Nyx was informed of her turn. Hermes was sent to deliver the message. In the main time Hestia took the time to train Shannon how to use fire.
She learnt to:
1. Control fire as a weapon, being able to throw large fireballs at enemies without tiring herself out or creating fire shields for herself and others.
2. Encase herself in fire while in battle without tiring herself out.
3. Forge all kinds of weapons with pure fire so that she was never unarmed.
4. Heal herself and others with fire as instill hope in them.
5. Teleport herself and others using Fire.
6. Summon home cooked meals.
7. Mend her torn clothes/make clothes with fire.
8. Summon fire elemental creatures to fight with, against(in training only)and for her.
9. Shapeshifting:  Change her appearance with fire(as a result, she could appear as anyone she wished and since she had their blessings she could use their specific powers, thus an added bonus).
10. Create fire from any heat source.

Later: A month after completing her training under her guardian

Not one to sit down idle much like her father, she began taking assignments to save demi-gods from Hestia thereby continuing her father's legacy.

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