Year 1: Artemis

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Note: Shannon had already been blessed by:
Aphrodite(even if she did not want it)
After Percy's powerful display, the Fates had both respect and fear, they respected him because they knew he was a capable warrior who would do anything for his family and friends in a heartbeat. They feared for anyone who foolishly made an enemy of him since they would be unable to withstand his fearsome wrath, an example of which had been demonstrated with the monsters.
According to the schedule Hestia created for Shannon Andromeda Jackson, she was spending her first with Artemis. As was the custom before she entered the Hunt, she received Artemis blessing to enable her adapt until she was claimed by Percy.
Rather than wearing the traditional silver Parka of Artemis hunters, she chose to honor her father and grandfather by wearing a Sea green Parka with silver trimming.
She could already shoot a bow properly thanks to Percy's diligent training during their travels together.
Unlike most of the Hunt she did not hate men without adequate reason, she did not torture them for the fun of it. She quickly grew attached to Artemis five lieutenants as they apart from Artemis herself were the closest to her father. It got to a point they became as close as sisters, as such they would not be seen without each other. Alongside her blood sisters in the Hunt, they made a formidable team, feared by their enemies.
After every hunt, they would sit around the Camp fire and tell stories of Perseus quests.
She had seen her father defeat every monster involved in his quest except for the Hydra on the day the Hunt was attacked but she never got tired of hearing the earlier quests he carried out in his younger days. Her particular favorite were:
His defeat of the Fury Alecto
His defeat of the Minotaur
His defeat of Echidna and her son the Chimera.
His defeat of Ares and retrieval of Zeus Master bolt all at the age of Twelve.
Artemis peculiar favorite as she found out, was their battle with Atlas on Mount Orthys because he saved two of the oldest hunters in the Hunt, Annabeth, Nico di Angelo and herself.
Furthermore, it was where they first met one on one and where she confessed her feelings for him for the first time and he accepted it albeit grudgingly because of her fierce reputation
Note: She laid eyes on him physically for the first time at Westover Hall.
For Artemis the solo hunts were the best because she got to spend time with Percy undisturbed, though he still found it awkward to confess his feelings for her to her for fear of her father turning it down, after all he was already married but since harems were permitted in Ancient Greece she still had hope.
Another thing she(I.e. Shannon) loved were the nightly rides in the moon chariot, it was peaceful up there. She got to speak with departed hunters who had been placed there as constellations by Artemis. She found out to her horror that Artemis relived the deaths of her hunters every time.
That only stopped when Perseus successfully saved Bianca di Angelo and Zoe Nightshade by altering their fates as she gathered from the departed hunters stories
The next day started normally with them doing their usual routine of hunting monsters, that was until Gration attacked them, saying that he come to capture the demi-goddess with them.
Not waiting for him to finish his rant, Shannon fired two arrows into his knees causing him to stumble to the ground then she used her hunting knives to pin his hands on the ground, before Artemis shot him at point blank range.
Afterwards they reported the situation to the Olympian council. From the look of things another war was brewing on the horizon.
No one dared to inform Percy about this, else he would rush back immediately and pull Shannon away from the assigned test, he would either put her into full blown training or into eternal sleep to stop from fighting depending on his mood. So, it was decided that they would not tell him anything at all.
Instead they would prepare for the war
Hearing this news, Shannon immediately decided that since her father had fought previous wars, she would make sure he did not fight as the hero in this one. Rather she would be the one to fight it.
Previously, she made a similar promise to keep all her siblings safe during those nights in the moon chariot, each night she reinforced that promise till it became a mantra, hence with her father it was no different; it was easy to make that same promise knowing fully well that she would keep it.
In her mind, her father had done enough already and deserved to rest and no she was not going to be the way her father Perseus Achilles Jackson or Luke Castellan tried to be and became I.e a martyr. Whoever the looming threat turned out to be, she was going to make sure he or she would not dare to challenge Olympus again

Meanwhile Athena took this as her cue to take Shannon for her own share of the laid out one year period with Hestia's permission.
To begin their time together, Athena following in Artemis footsteps blessed Shannon with her full blessing. She would not impose her preferences on the young girl, but she would observe to see what she liked and then act accordingly.
Currently, as she had deciphered, the girl had become a keen hunter, and loved the wild as well as the moon thanks to Artemis.
Maybe she would either like to read, spar she perhaps was more of a Craftswoman or a combination of the three. She would have to wait patiently and see the outcome, time would reveal everything clearly enough.

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