Reunion: Unexpected Outcomes

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They reappear in the Olympian throne room before the Olympian council. Percy had a scowl on his face to show his displeasure at the turn of events.
Samantha and Madison were behind him marvelling at the throne room as well as the beings looking down at them.
Artemis and Athena held Percy fast by his two arms in a vice grip for fear that he would run away.
Poseidon and co had tears in their eyes. Sally left her throne made a beeline for Percy, and threw her arms around his neck, while shedding happy tears thereby soaking his shirt.
They were still afraid to let him go, however, she telepathically assured them that he would not run away.
Despite his anger, Percy felt himself calming down immediately because his mother was always able to calm him down no matter how angry he got as a little boy, even now that had not changed.
Stepping back but staying close, they released him to her. She was joined by Lady Hestia, Hera, Gaea, Demeter, and Aphrodite. They all escorted him to a waiting throne while his guests looked on.
Zeus seized the opportunity there and then. He got up from his throne, walked to Percy, knelt down and apologized which Percy accepted seeing his genuine remorse. As a further show of remorse, he gave Percy his full blessing and right to fly freely in his domain as well as use clouds and lightening.
Thereafter, Percy was inducted into the Olympian council along with Gaea.
A panicking Satyr ran into the throne room, panting and out of breath, he reported that the Hunt was under attack from an army led by the Minotaur. This caused Percy to leap from his new throne in anger immediately flashing down there.
Confirming the Satyr's report, he appeared in the middle of the Camp, swiftly cutting down monsters as he went becoming a blur of destruction, oblivious that he had an awestruck audience on all sides(demi-gods, gods, Titans and Primordials).
The shock of his arrival wore from the Hunt and they all joined him but that was just the first of four surprises to come.
Soon reinforcements in the form of all the demi-gods he had saved as well as trained in his travels before sending them to the various Camps, came pouring in from every direction through portals.
Note: In addition to calling those with her in the Hunt, she contacted the other demi-gods in the Camps, Nyx provided accelerated transportation. They made quick work of the army, such that not a single monster was left standing instead it was golden dust.
All rescued demi-gods including those in the Hunt who he saved, got down on one knee holding out the coins he gave them in out stretched hands. He collected all of them before replacing them back in their hands. Unknown to him that act was a pledge of allegiance to him as their father and he accepted it. So by this, they had all become his children by adoption. Percy was stunned when the Fates explained that to him initially, nevertheless, he accepted it.
Next came Shannon J Thane, kneeling before him she asked him to claim her as his daughter.
He was surprised at this because he knew he and Madison had decided not to have any kids owing to the volatile atmosphere at the time, so Shannon suddenly saying she was his biological daughter shocked him. He calmly asked the Fates to explain and they did.
It a normal sunny day, Percy was discussing with the Fates on current happenings at Camp. They told him that all of his wishes had been fulfilled and that his family missed him terribly before the conversation drifted to his past life as a King with no heir.
He admitted that he wished to have a child preferably a daughter of his own one day with his wife but current circumstances had made that dream impossible for him, seeing that they were far apart. That caught Shannon's attention.
She would change that for him and herself.
Her reason was simple, he had taken care of her like a daughter when he saved her from giants posing as a biker gang. She had run away from the orphanage because of bullies ending up on the street unfortunately running afoul of some hungry giants who singled her out as their meal.
She was twelve back then as well as the last person he saved before his early retirement to pursue his police career.
While Percy retired for the day in order to prepare for their journey to the Hunt which incidentally would be their last day of travelling together, she cornered the Fates.
Not waiting for them to speak, she politely asked them to straightway alter Percy's Fate making her his child.
They were impressed by her boldness but however, they sadly told her that they could not help as according to the promise they made, Percy was outside of their control.
Unrelenting she persisted believing that there was a being higher than the Fates. She pleaded and begged until they themselves relented and summoned Ananke.
Hearing her case from the Fates, Ananke took pity on her while also being appalled and changed it.
As such, she was now conceived on their first night together. Considering the war, they agreed change to her parentage until it was over cloaking her with mortality until further notice.
Flashback End.
When Percy refocused his attention to perform the claiming ceremony having accepted that he now had a child of his own, even though it was through unconventional means, he was faced with five angry hunters viz-a-viz Thalia Grace, Bianca di Angelo, Zoe Nightshade, Atlanta Greene, and Phoebe Asher. Anger and tears blazing in their eyes and weapons drawn, then came the expected attack.
Note: They attacked him not out of hatred owing to betrayal but they needed an outlet to release the anger caused by his prolonged absence.
It became a deadly game of jumping, rolling, dodging, hacking and slashing; by the end of which they were all shedding tears.
Later all persons present including the gods and Primordial watched as Percy sought to claim his daughter, but this was interrupted by Hera who stated that he could not have a child without a mother.
Immediately Athena, Artemis, Madison and surprisingly Nyx stepped up to see who he would pick as Shannon's mother.
This left them both(I.e. Shannon and himself) in a serious quagmire on who to pick majorly because of Shannon had done earlier. If they were told about it, Artemis, Athena and Nyx would look for a way to alter fate again, so that either one of them would the mother and by that right Percy's wife.
To help them, Ananke and the Fates decreed that Shannon would stay with each of the three ladies for a period of one year each, appointing Hestia to the assessor of their various performances before reporting back to them then they would compare the winner with Madison who was the default choice, before altering fate accordingly based on the outcome. In the Meantime, Hestia would be in charge of her care as well.
As for Percy, he would not be there to influence anything, he was free to do anything he wanted for those three years.
Hearing that, Gaea walked up to Percy, whispered in his hear and they both disappeared. To ease the tension, the Fates reminded those present of Percy's promise to Gaea.
Note: Everything one does always has consequences either minor or severe.
Percy's display of power during the attack on the Hunt had unintentionally roused a Primordial.

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