Strange Encounters III: CONSEQUENCES

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Once the council ended after the reveal of the SHADOW as Percy, a repentant Athena sought out Sally to apologize for rude behavior. Not one to hold a grudge, Sally accepted immediately, though she was stunned that Athena swallowed her pride.
She decided to wait and see if she really meant it, she had no idea the storm the revelation had stirred within the woman, contempt was now replaced with respect, love and desire.
With Athena
Now I would have continuously called Percy a Sea spawn, but I must admit after hearing Percy's wishes my view on him changed instantly. I already knew of his loyalty however, hearing how he wanted to improve the lot of his fellow demi-gods increased my respect for him ten-fold.
Him dating my daughter was entirely a different thing. The signs were there:
1. They were holding hands in public.
2. They did almost everything together.
3. They were seen together in public.
4. They always whispered sweet nothings into each other's hears.
5. They even exchanged kisses.
What more was there to show that they were a couple?
That aside, all things considered, his mother and I got off on the wrong foot so I needed to find her and apologize
I was surprised she accepted my apology but I could tell she was skeptical, I would just have to prove that she could trust me because her blessing was crucial to what I wanted.
Percy being married did not bother me, as harems were permitted in Ancient Greece.
He was going to be mine.

With Artemis
Artemis was not happy, Perseus was so close to me for the last 10 years and I never noticed him, he had been bringing me recruits to the Hunt.
I missed him, it was not the same without him. I loved him from the beginning, the first time when we first met on the quest to acquire Hades children Bianca di Angelo and Nico di Angelo from Westover Hall.
Then we met again when he held the Sky for me to enable me fight against Atlas, then saved Zoe's life by taking the hit meant for her. Together we put Atlas back under the Sky despite his injuries.
He amazed me again by offering his own life string so that Zoe and Bianca could live when the Fates questioned why they were still alive contrary to their assigned fate.
He explained that he would not see any of his friends fall under his watch rather he would give himself for them to live. That admission convinced the Fates of his unflinching loyalty unwavering even in the face of his own demise, hence they agreed and changed their fate.
From that day I made it a duty to watch over him whenever I had the opportunity. He still remained the same unchanged and that made me fall in love with him.
I was sad when he disappeared. Now he had been so close so much that I could convinced him to stay with me and then he would have been closer to Olympus with his family at home.  I was glad to give him my blessing when called upon to do so by the Fates.
Usually, I asked every recruit that we found at our Camp borders about his identity but as I found out from Thalia(who insisted on being on border patrol duty, in an effort to possibly spot Percy, She failed every time.), he swore them to secrecy. He swore them to secrecy not to reveal his identity?, well, two can play at that game.
I also swore on the Styx that I would bring him back home, if it was the last thing I did.

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