The Past Comes Calling Again And The Olympians get a move on

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Somewhere Deep In The Universe
Uranus had risen so he gathered the rest of the Primordials to himself. They set up their thrones in the Void.
He looked down at the Earth, he found that Gaea was rising. Was it for good or bad he did not know, they would have to observe the situation before acting on it.
He wondered why Gaea would be rising, she did not look like she was going to raise the giants and attack the Olympians starting another war, instead she was looking for something.
Believe it or not, Primordials do not fade while gods and Titans can fade and then reform.
It had been 13 years since the war.
I noticed that Perseus Achilles Jackson, the demi-god turned god who challenged me to live as a Mortal and observe my planet, was missing.
I heard from the vine that three Olympian gods namely Zeus, Ares, and Athena had conspired and banished him.
I was looking for him to help me adapt to the modern world, then guide me to tour the world and take note of what he told me during the war.
The news made me really upset with them, they were going to hear it from me. So I steadily made my way to Olympus.
I know you must wondering what I look like, after all I have been called "Dirt Queen".
In human form, I chose the following:
1. Black curly long hair with brown highlights
2. Heart shaped face
3. Rounded lips
4.Snub noise
5. Chocolate complexion
I stood at a height of 6ft5inches, wearing a green silver trimmed A-line gown secured with a gold ruby crested belt. For my feet, I wore golden Greek sandals.
Ignoring formal protocol, I teleported myself straight to the 600th floor appearing in the Olympian throne room, interrupting their meeting. Sally Jackson, the mother of the man I had come to respect and see as a son immediately recognizing me stood up from her throne and bowed to me, followed by the rest of the Olympians.
Straight away I voiced my displeasure at their reckless actions towards Percy.
Wasting no time, I gave them an ultimatum of exactly one year to find Perseus and bring him home. In addition to that when, he returned, they were to make sure he was made an Olympian. Furthermore, I stated that I would be staying with them to monitor the progress of searching for Percy, to emphasize my point I created a throne next to Sally who sat between Poseidon and Hestia.
If they did not comply with my demands, I would rouse the rest of the Primordials to take their thrones.
There it was the threat had, been issued, the Olympians knew that they were going to be in serious trouble if Percy Jackson did not return in one year.
Zeus immediately tasked Artemis with the job of locating Percy. To his utter suprise, Athena offered to assist, he promised to ask her about that at a later time.
Finally!, I now had the authorization to do what I have wanted to do for a long time which was find Percy, but then as if to ruin my internal celebration Athena offered to assist me...., What!?, Since when!!?, Something was definitely fishy, I mean she hated him with so much passion so why the sudden 360 about turn?
Plus, since I have known her Athena has always been proud, but after the previous Winter Solstice she swallowed her pride and apologized to Sally Jackson which she rarely does, what was going on inside her head?
These myriad of questions plagued the heck out of me but perhaps if I let her come with me, I would be able to find out.
Yes!, Someone finally got father to get off his Kingly cum egoistic arse and actually do something concrete about bringing Percy back home from his exile, I wanted to embrace Gaea tightly for doing that.
I had seen my sister's cordial treatment of and her eventual love for Percy, at I was disgusted at first thinking she abandoned her man-hating/maiden ways by choosing to show feelings towards a man but now that I had Perseus requests which had nothing included for himself, I understood that he was different I.e. the ideal man every woman wished to have. Now, we had the chance to get him, it was time to put the plan into action.

The Plan
The plan was two fold. First and most difficult part was that Artemis would have to deliberately put the Hunt in danger to attract Percy's attention since it was his domain as well.
Therefore, she told Thalia that the Hunt would be placed under attack in order to attract someone's attention but she did not say who.
For the second part of the plan, Athena and herself went down to Manhattan, New York, disguised as mortals in trouble from gangsters.
Note: For the gangsters, they went to Hephaestus to obtain some of his automatons and used the mist to disguise their appearance.
Proceeding with the plan, they flashed themselves to an alley in Percy's neighborhood specifically, soon followed the automatons who started reigning down blows.
According to the plan, a passerby observed it and raised an alarm. On cue, Percy, Samantha and Madison rushed to the scene to help. After dealing with the automatons, they went to assist the prone ladies but were blindsided and teleported to Olympus when they(I.e. Artemis and Athena) grabbed them.
Unknown to them, someone else had overhead the first part of it plan and seen the whole thing plus the outcome way back before it was even executed.
She would ensure the second part was executed without a hitch, after all, the SHADOW was her Savior.
Her name was Shannon J Thane, a former clear-sighted mortal orphan who was also blessed by Apollo with Oracular(hence she could tell the future)and healing abilities, plus she was also skilled with the Sword, bow and arrow. She was one of the lucky ones to be trained by Percy.
The blessing came about after Percy and herself protected Apollo's temple from Orion his bane. It was a thank you gift.
Rather than a sibling bond, they developed a father-daughter bond, such that she asked Ananke to make it so that she was his daughter, because she also overheard the Fates discussing what seemed to be Percy's past where he was a King but chose to have no heir.
It was done as per her request but kept a tight secret, so that even Artemis her mistress did not know whose daughter she actually was. Artemis thought she was Apollo's daughter based on her abilities.
She would reveal the truth to everyone including Percy soon.
She had a home in the Hunt, but still wanted her father back, now with Artemis plan she would bring him back home.
Note: However, she was not the only one who considered Percy Achilles Jackson her father.

Thinking quickly, she gathered her sisters to herself. Together, they summoned Nyx, asking for her help to supply them with an army of Hellhounds, Empousa, Draecne, Cyclops, Harpies, Furies, Metal-born, Gem-born etc.
They did not inform Artemis lieutenants about it, in fear of the plan being ruined. Again, she did not want to raise their suspicions on it being Percy since the gods had not even informed the Camps yet. She knew how Artemis lieutenants respected and trusted Percy completely, she had heard the now popular adage "Percy was the only Man who was permitted to be in the Hunt".
The army would be led by their father's archenemy, the Minotaur  in order to invoke her father's anger. Nyx agreed to it, glad that Percy had finally returned. She sent them and they surrounded the Camp then started advancing to attack.
Now all they needed to do was wait for Percy to hear it, knowing that he would react swiftly.

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