His audacity

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Alexa's POV

This guy was totally and unbelievably and utterly sexy. I mean,his chocolate hair was short but long enough to run my fingers through it . He had muscle,not too much, just enough to make me weak at the knees. He was oozing sex appeal and i was just slurping it up. This guy was wearin a tee that showed off his muscles and dangerously low jeans. I was thinkin about all the things I could do if we happened to be alone and a bed was nearby. I shook my head and mentally slapped my self.BAD, BAD, BAD inner slut! go back to the box i locked you in!!

In florida, guys walk around half naked and this guy is wearing normal clothes and I want to jump him. I noticed while I was having this inner talk I had stopped and was standing there staring at him. He was smirking as if he knew I was checkin him out but he didnt have any proof. Thanks to big dark glasses!!!HA suck on that hotstuff!

I carried on walking towards him and he was the first one to speak.

"hey your mom told me to tell you she says hi and that i'm to take you home and if you want i could be your personal tour guide."he said brazenly while wiggling those sexy eyebrows.

he only thing he wanted to tour was my body while guiding me to a climáx. Ooooooooh i'd like that! I shook my head and banished those thoughts from my brain. Back to the box slut!!!

"No thanks hot shot but thanks for the offer" i smiled at him. I started to push the trolley that contained my one medium suitcase but he held up a hand and took it from me.

'Funny you dont look like the gentlemen type to me' i mumbled in my head.

"Would you like to push this trolley?"he asked. Crap, did i say that out loud??omg i am soo stupid.

"no thank you i am jetlagged" the last bit came out as a groan. He led me out into the parking lot and there was my baby. My black with a purple lightnin bolt bugatti.it was sooo fast which was why I loved it. I squealed and hugged the guy( I don't even know his name wow and I was thinkin dirty thoughts about him). When i wrapped my arms around him I felt shocks, he must have felt them too cos he went just as tense as I did. I pulled away and felt really weird afterwards. I helped him by putting the lightest bag in the back while he put the heaviest in the boot . I'm glad i only bought a suitcase and a rucksack with me!! While he was puting the bags in, I leaned against the car beside mine and watched his sexy muscles ripple. I held back a moan cos if it werent for those rippling muscles it would look like he was carrying a feather. He closed the boot and I held out my hands and he shook his head . Just as i was about to question his audacity,

"your jetlagged remember we wouldnt want an accident"he said smirking I just rolled my eyes and got in the car. I thought of ways i would torture him.this was my baby and he was denying me!!!!!!! I would sing!!!mwa ha ha ha ha haaaaaa

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