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Slowly I opened my eyes. Looking around, I was for just a moment confused as to where I was. The dream I had had seemed so real. It was again about how I killed my brother. There were so many times where I would wish I had never killed him. Or never even had the thought. But he had killed my family and my clan, and for years I was way to caught up in my anger and grief, that I never thought about why he murdered them. Only after I killed him did I learn the truth about why he did what he did. It was to protect the village we lived in. But that didn't help. Because about a year after that, it was still destroyed. But I was already gone by that time. I had been so focused on finding him, that I went to look for him and never went back to the village he tried so hard to save.

Sighing, I got out of bed and made my way to the bathroom. Getting in the shower, I turned it on. The warm water on my skin felt nice after the feeling of dieing again. I somehow always got that feeling after a dream like that. I leaned against the wall of the shower with my right hand, head soaking up the water as it rained on top of me. I concentrated on the water and could feel it running all along my body.

After getting out, I dressed in a black shirt that showed the curves of my body with some combat jeans. Then I made my way down into the kitchen. getting a plate out for my toast, it suddenly fell out of my hands.

"Zero!" I shouted as the plate hit the floor, covered in butter. I just knew it was him! The feeling of before washed away by the anger at the fucking broken plate!

"What?" he came walking into the kitchen, looking at the plate and started giggling. That irritated me even more!

"What did you do?" I said with fury in my voice.

"I did nothing, why do you think it was me?" I could hear him using the irritating innocent voice again.

"My plate is covered in butter, and the only one stupid enough to do something like this is you!." I hated it when he did this. He did stuff like that all the time. Making me sick of it! Plus, I had lost my appetite for any food whatsoever.

So I walked out the kitchen and on my way, I said. "Clean it up! Kasami is going to kill you when she find out. You know that right?"

Walking to the sofa and letting myself fall onto it, I sighed, trying to calm myself a little.

"Why do I have to clean it up, what if it wasn't me?"

"Zero, I know it was you." he walked out the kitchen and walked to the sofa, stopping in front of me.

"I did nothing, maybe it was Kasami who did it, not me. She was in the kitchen last night."

"Even if she was, she would still not do something like that, stupid." and just at that moment I heard Kasami walking down the stairs.

"Morning!" she said cheerfully, with a bounce to her step. She was going to kill Zero if she walked into that kitchen.

"Morning." I said lazily.

"How's it going this morning?" she asked as she waked to one of the two lounge chairs in the livingroom. Then I remembered that Zero still had some cleaning up to do.

"Kasami, go look in the kitchen. Zero left something for you there." I said in a calm voice, sitting up. She walked into the kitchen and I decided to follow, just to see the look on her face. And of course Zeros face. I wanted him to pay so bad for it. And the reason for that was, that my dieing mood had slowly come back.

As I walked I could heard Zero giggling a little behind me. I twisted around fast, again really angry with him.

"So it was you after all!" I shouted.

"What? No, I did nothing!" he snapped in my face..

"Right... Then how did my plate get on the floor?"

"You let it drop!"

"Because you buttered it!"

"I did not!"

"Yes, you did and you know it!"

"Boys! Stop fighting! Now!" Kasami shouted as she pushed passed me back into the living room, with deep irritation on her face. I walked after her, my anger still there.

"Are you at least going to make Zero clean it up?"

"He should know I deal with those type of thing." she answered calmly. She sat down in the same chair as before, glearing at the kitchen where Zero still was. I hoped she would shout at him to clean it up but, she said nothing.

"Fine, you do what you want. I'm going out." lucky for me it was sunday. No school. Meaning I could do whatever I wanted.

"Alright, but you know when to be back right?"

"Don't treat me like a child." I said sternly and made my way to the front door.

My anger had subsided a little by that time, and if I made an effort, I could maybe smile. But I doubted that would actually happen. Putting on a simple grey jacket, I opened the door and took a step outside. Closing the door behind me I took another two steps into the little front garden. The sun on my face felt nice. There was a light breeze that blew through my hair. I didn't really have anything to do, so I decided to go for a walk. Down the road and to the left was a river. I would often walk along that river after my silly dream, it was also my way to school. So I would in fact walk along it every day.

It was a really nice day to walk outside as well. It was the middle of spring and if I looked around, I could see little flowers all along the river. Far ahead of me was a bridge, that led to my school. Zero, Kasami and I all went there. But it was nothing really interesting. I would sit in class most of the time , being bored. Zero would at times fall asleep, and Kasami would poke me to get my attention back to the teacher. Zero would be poked to wake him up, and Kasami would always pay so much attention that she would always surprise me with it.

Because I was so lost in thought, I had not noticed that I had actually walked all the way to school.

"Hey! Wait! I have been calling you for ages!" someone suddenly took my shoulder, making me spin around to face them. It was a boy from my school, I didn't remember his name though. But I did remember his face and hair. I didn't know why, but his red long hair always made me look at him in class.

"What?" I asked slightly bored.

"I know you from my history class. And I was wondering if you wanted to get a coffee with me."

Now the one thing I hated more than Zero, was coffee. And he just had to ask that didn't he.

"Why me?" I didn't mean to ask, but that was the first thing that came to mind.

"What? Why not you?" he seemed confused. But I was dead serious.

"Never mind..."

"What do you say? Wanna grab a coffee with me?" what I also didn't get was why he was asking me now. He had never talked to me before, always seemed to be so busy. And he never really looked at me. And if you are wondering, yes. I did at times pay attention to him when Kasami poked me. He was always sitting somewhere in the front. So she would never know if I did that. And that way I would still not have to listen to the teacher.

"I guess." his face lit up as I answered.

As we walked, him in front and me somewhat behind. I couldn't help the feeling that me agreeing to go with him was in any way a good idea at all. But I supposed I would only find out after the coffee.

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