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Was that his plan all along? To take Kasami and Zero and then blackmail me into that? I never wanted that, I never looked at my brother that way. He was my brother! Why would he do something like that? Why did it even cross his mind!? It never crossed mine- and I wanted so bad to kick his ars for it! But he was so much stronger than me, and I was scared of his strength. He could easily kill me; he had almost killed me the first time I had tried to kill him. And his looming over me then was proof of that.

The fear that had crossed my face was still there, probably showing in my eyes as well because he laughed, as if to mock my fear.

"Are you scared? Don't worry, soon you won't be anymore. Soon you will want nothing more then have me take you." And as if to emphasise on what he had planned, his one free hand went under my shirt and trailed up to my chest, playing a little with one of my nipples. The other hand still holding my hands pinned above my head. The soft touch of his hand on my chest had my mind go blank for just a split second, and my mouth threatened to make a sound. I only just managed to keep him from hearing it, but his face lit up when he saw the light blush that spread across my face.

"Oh, look at that, a blush. Did I touch a sensitive place? Now I wonder if I can make you moan. Will you moan for me? Let's find out, shall we? I want to see how loud I can make you scream." His voice, it had a tone to it that sounded seductive or evil. I didn't really know how to describe it. But the look in his eyes didn't help in thinking he was crazy. They were lustful. And that didn't feel right at all.

I didn't know what to say to that. I wanted to leave, but he wasn't going to let me, and when his face lit up, my fear came back. And not just a little bit; the fear came back with such a load that the only thing I felt at that moment was fear. That had my mind racing with thoughts of what he could do and what he might do. And also because I really didn't want to die, that thought didn't leave me as he had looked down at me with those eyes.

Those eyes.

His eyes searched my face, as if he expected my blush to get worse. The hand on my chest squeeze my nipple a little, to which my head fell back. That irritated me greatly, but I couldn't help it. He had taken over my body; I couldn't tell my body what to do, I had no control at all anymore. At least I still hadn't made a sound when my head flew back. I was a little fearful that not having any control was going to last until he was done with me. But I never wanted that in the first place, couldn't he see that? Was he really that far gone that all he could see or feel was the lust that was burning so deeply in his eyes?

He moved, that made me aware of the situation again. The hand on my chest had moved to the band of my trousers. He was opening the button as I saw him move. Even though I was laying under him with fear all over my face, he just went on with his fucked up plan. His eyes ever moving over my body. He obviously didn't have a clue how this made me feel. For a moment I thought Itachi was drunk, he took long to even get my jeans open.

Then something moved behind him. He didn't see them at all, but I did. It was just to dark for me to see who they were. I saw them hold something big and long. Ready to hit Itachi over the head with. Despite my fear, I didn't want him dead. But it looked like that was the plan of this person behind my brother.

"Wait! Don't!" I called reaching out a hand to the person. They didn't listen and the long thing hit his head.

Getting up quick and closing my jeans, I looked at who it was that had saved me.

"Mikoto? Where did you come from? What are you doing here? Did you find anything about Kasami or Zero?"

"Whoa, calm. I didn't hear anything from either of them. But I wanted to find you before I did anything else." He had put his hands up when he started talking, and dropped the stick as well. I only knew what he had held in his hands because when it fell, it sounded like a stick.

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