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As I had been talking to this girl, Mikoto had caught up. I had run all the way to the back of the alleyway. So they had some running to do to actually catch up with me.

"What's your name?" I asked her as I saw Mikoto running toward us.

"Sora." Her simple answer seemed a little fearful as she looked down to her hands, she held them down together.

"What the hell Sasuke!" Mikoto seemed upset with me, but I didn't care.

"Wait. You mean to tell me you are Sasuke Uchiha?"

"Yes. How do you know me?" I asked her, wondering how in the hell she knew my name.

"Um... I Have to go, I can't say." She made to walk away but I took her arm.

"Tell me how you know my name!" I said with a stern voice.

"I-I can't, I have to go. Please, let me go." She begged, but I didn't budge. I needed to know what this was all about.

"Sasuke, let her go." When Mikoto said this with a calm voice, I immediately thought he knew something that this girl did as well and I did not. But I get her go and she ran off as fast as she cold. Frustrated with Mikoto, I glowered at him with as dark a look as I could muster.

"What do you know!" I snarled at him.

"Sasuke, calm down." His words sounded a little shaky but he looked the complete opposite.

"Tell me what you know."

"Are you sure you want me to tell you what I know? Because if I tell you, you can never go back. Do understand that what I am about to tell you could make you hate me forever." That made me want to know what he had to say even more, but it also made me wonder.

"Tell me." The snarl still on my lips, I turned to him fully.

"Your brother. He reported you to the police after he came out of the hospital and I helped him. That was before he asked me to go looking for you. Before he wanted you back. And ever since that the police have been looking for you. You didn't know about this because I kept them away from you for as long as I could. Until we left to the hot spring, they found out and followed us. I tried to keep them away but they know you are here. I assume they have put out an alert that you would be here."

I couldn't believe it! He had put a wanted poster on my back and I didn't even know it! And with this new knowledge, my mood had not gotten better plus, I wanted to literally kill him.

I slowly took a few steps towards him. The steps I took ,he took them back.

"Sasuke. I didn't know they would follow us. I thought I had covered our tracks well enough. Sasuke, you have to believe me." I didn't answer, just took more steps toward him. I couldn't believe what I had done the night before. I was done with him.I stopped in my advance to think about Kasami and Zero. Where were they? Why was he the only one to be here. Then it dawned on me.

"You did this, didn't you. You lead them here. No, you work for them. And Zero and Kasami! What have you done with them huh?" I yelled at him. My voice or thought never stopped being angry with him."I did nothing! I only did what your brother told me to do!" He had started shouting as well. But I was not going to give up on my idea.

"Bullshit! I don't believe you!" I turn to face the other way. I needed to find them. And I didn't care what he had to say anymore. For all I cared, Zero could have me. At least he didn't try to have me killed.


I had run past him and away. I was done and I didn't want to ever see his face again, plus, I had to find Zero and Kasami. Mikoto didn't tell me where they were, so I had to go find them on my own. I was sure that Mikoto had taken them somewhere but he didn't tell me anything that told me where or that he had even taken them, but I wasn't going to believe him with anything anymore. He had caused all of this and I just wanted to stab him with the biggest knife I could find.

I had run aimlessly around the city for a while when I stopped to take a breather. I had to think about this. But where could he have taken them? Maybe they were back at the spring? Maybe he had gotten Itachi to take them somewhere? Itachi! I had not seen him all day! I needed to find him- I knew he was in on this whole thing too. I just knew it! But wandering around the city didn't get me anywhere. I needed to find them though, just where to start was something I was really bad at.

I decided to just go back to the spring and see if I could find anything there. But when I got there and went to the rooms, nothing, none was there. Not even their stuff was there. That made it so clear that Mikoto had done something.

"Sasuke, why would I have taken them hostage?" Did he really just ask me that?

"Why did you follow me, Mikoto?"

"Why would I taken them!" He was loud by that point but not enough to be shouting, I still wasn't going to believe him though.

"Where are they!?"

"Can we talk outside please?" He said more calmly.I sighed irritatedly and crossing my arms, I said to him, "Fine." And followed him outside.When we stood outside, I still wasn't really willing to listen or talk to him. So I stood looking away from him into the forest that surrounded the hot spring, as he stood behind me most likely looking in my direction. I waited for him to speak but it took a while before he sighed and spoke.

"I didn't take them. Did you even consider that Itachi could also have something to do with this?"

"That's a lie," My voice was dripping with acid, he was never going to convince me. "You are both behind this. Now tell me, why would I believe you?"

"Because I never wanted to hurt you. Please, you can't ignore me forever. You need me." That made me laugh, and not because it was funny, because I knew he was lying- I didn't care if people would stare.

"You really expect me to trust you?"

"You don't have a choice."

"You are wrong! I have a choice," I had shouted that first part at him. "I choose to never trust you again. And this time when I kill either you or Itachi, I will make sure you are dead for good." I didn't want this, I didn't need them fucking everything up. Itachi had done it once, he wasn't going to do it again. So as to stop him from talking anymore, I just walked off. I was going to find Kasami and Zero, and I was going to kill anyone who got in my way!

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