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Three weeks of having to suffer through school, and Mikoto being with Kasami and Zero all the time. We could finally go to the hot spring. The only thing I was not looking forward to was that Mikoto had also come along. Luck for me, when we sat in the train, I could sit where ever I wanted and could sit far away from him. I was that far away that I didn’t have to see him, but not far enough that I couldn’t hear him. He was laughing while Kasami was telling a story. She had started talking about this one time when she had gone shopping with her friends and one of her friends had bumped into a boy, who then after that trip had become her boyfriend. I just sat there wondering if it was even true or not. But what I did notice was that she was trying way to hard for Mikoto to like her.

That thought didn’t last for long though, because the train had stopped and that was where we were supposed to get off. So I got up and walked out of the train. Where we had come looked really nice. I stood there for a moment, just looking at me surroundings. In front of me was the station of course, then as I turned around I saw the Sakura trees in bloom. They were beautiful, the pink colour dancing in the light wind, and the way the sun made the colour brighter.


I turned around, Kasami was standing in the doorway out of the station. She was motioning for me to come with her. So I did, I walked through the doorway and saw a taxi waiting for us. I knew that because I saw Zero getting into the taxi.

“Come on silly, we don’t have all day.” Kasami said as I got closer to her and the taxi. Getting in the taxi I saw that Mikoto was sitting in the front, next to the driver. Zero sat at the far end, Kasami in the middle and me on her other side. The whole time in that taxi, I thought about what might happen at the hot spring. I was fearful of a lot that might happen, but I couldn’t stop it. There were so many things that were rabeling around in my mind, that I almost started panicking.

Then the car stopped, And Mikoto almost jumped out with excitement.

“We’re here!” Kasami said as she pushed me out of the car. I didn’t even get time to look at where we were.

“Wait! Wait! Not so fast!” I tried to get out of the car without falling, but Kasami had pushed me out so far that I couldn’t save myself. With a thud I landed on my back on the floor, with my feet up and still in the car.

“Kasami! I said ‘wait’! didn’t you hear me?” I was a little annoyed with her.

“Oh I did. But I need to get out of this car! I want to smell the fresh air!”

“Are… you okay?” Mikoto asked me through the snickers and small giggles.

I just huffed. “I’m fine.” I said as I got up off the floor.

“Sure you are okay?” He asked again.

“I am fine. Just leave me alone.”

I was even more annoyed than before. So in order to not get myself more annoyed, I asked Kasami to take my bag to my room because I was going to take a look around. She nodded and took my bad. I then first took a look at the outside of the building. It really looked like on of those japanese hot springs.

“Mind if I come along?” Somehow I had not expected Zero to want to come with me.


“We will be inside then.” Kasami winked at me, then motioned to Mikoto, and I knew exactly what she was going to do. I shook my head at her while rolling my eyes.

“I know what room you have. So when you are done looking around, just let me know.” I nodded.

I walked toward the front door, Zero followed. Walking through the double doors, we came to a lobby that also looked very japanese. At the back of the lobby next to the check in desk, on both sides were two hallways.

“Kasami told me what room you have. Want me to take you there?” Zero then asked me.

“Do I have to share it with anyone?”

“No, don’t worry.” He laughed. I sighed with relief, if he would have told me that I would have had to share wit Mikoto, I swear I would have killed him.

“Yeah. Show me.”

“Okay! Follow me!”

We walked toward the right hall. On the way we passed a small group of girls. They had just come from the hot spring. I knew that only because their hair was wet, plus they smelt so nice. I know what you are thinking, but I never really had a girlfriend before. First, I didn’t see why. And second, I had most of the girls swooning over me anyway, so what was the use?

Then suddenly Zero stopped, making me look at where we had come. I knew it would be my room, but I didn’t think Zero had the kay. But he did and opened the door, letting me go in first. I walked into the dark room, moving my hand over the light switch, I turned on the light. It had a double bed, and at the very back was a japanese style door that led outside. I looked really nice, and I was sure we were all going to have a nice time here. Until I heard a click.

I spun around, facing the door. Zero had locked it and had a devilish smile of his face. I thought for sure he had gone insane. But then he took a few steps toward me, making me take them as well but backwards. I didn’t like this. And I didn’t have to wait long to know what was going on in his head.

“You know, I have always wondered why you never got a girlfriend. But then Mikoto came and wouldn’t stop looking at you those past three week. Then I understood, and it made me jealous. To think that he wanted you and I couldn’t have you. It made me sick, just looking at him looking at you made me want to kill him right there and then. But I couldn’t, because then my secret would be out,”

I knew what he meant by that. Zero was a vampire and I had nothing. No special gifts of anything. He had told me at some point. But he had never told Kasami. I never really understood why I wasn’t ever scared of that fact.

“But then when you had to go and take a look around. I then thought that was a perfect idea and decided to go with you. So that now I can have you all to myself.”

I didn’t know what to do, Zero was going to kill me, and all because Mikoto had looked at me.

“Zero, I don’t even like him.” I hoped that would calm him, but it didn’t. It seemed to make it worse.

“But he likes you. If he had his way, you would be all his and there would be nothing I could do. I will not let that happen. I will not let him have you.”


“You will be mine, not his.” he seemed to go into his own world, looking down and covering his face with his hands. The deadly look never left his face though.

“Zero, Listen to me.” he still wouldn’t listen, and at that moment I was at a loss.

“No! I won’t let him! He can’t!”


I let myself drop to my knees. I really didn’t know what to do anymore. I wanted to tell him that I didn’t belong to anyone. But if I did that, I would make even worse. At that moment I wished my brother was here. He would know what to do, he always knew. But that wasn’t going to happen, and I knew it. I would never see my brother again, so I had to do it on my own. But how, how was I going to talk to him and convince him that Mikoto was nothing to me? Nothing! I had never really been good at talking to people, and Zero was not easy to talk to either.

Suddenly Zero shifted from where he had been standing. I looked up fast, only to see that same smile on his face again. He had taken me by surprise with his moving.

“Sasuke.” he breathed. I felt a slight chill going down the back of my spine. The way he said it, he sounded so lustful it almost scared me.

“You have to leave.”


“Because if you don’t, I don’t know if I can stop myself.”

That thought made my blood run as cold as ice. Was he really going to kill me?

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