02| Mates-Ezekiel

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Ezekiel POV

536 years ago two baby boys were born. The two and only hybrids were half-dragon, half-vampire. But these boys were not a symbol of peace, yet ones of destruction.

It was my year to host the council meeting. Something I've been dreading every time it comes around, whether it was going somewhere or hosting it, I did not like it. The council meetings were held not just to check-in, but to make sure alliances are tight. Though I could strive without them, it was good to have people on your side in times of need. But this year felt different, something felt different. I arrived at the door but hesitated opening it.

Taking a deep breath, my hand latched onto the doorknob, the room quieted down when I stepped in. I paused in the middle of the room, not speaking yet. My eyes glimpsed around the room before landing on the little fae standing by the back of the room. "Mate." Whispering under my breath while I searched for my brother after speaking to the crowd.

We were given a prophecy when we were younger, one that no one knew about. It was kept a secret because we snuck away and saw an oracle. We were stunned by the time we left. I remember these words by heart.

When the time comes around, a blade will be raised. Yet, not one of steel, one made of the love, love that will either make or break you, two brothers. The sword will be powerful, do not underestimate it. And do not let it break you.

Since then, we always assumed we would have a shared mate or a mate at least. But seeing her stand in front of me was a feeling no one could have ever prepared me for. Her petite figure that I would surely tower over, her almond skin that contrasted the pink dress, and the blue wings that fluttered every time she turned. Her eyes were such a bright purple, filled with innocence and compassion as she finally met my eyes. She is the epitome of perfection.

Clearing my throat, I welcomed the guest in the room, my eyes never leaving my mate. Once the room starts to become vacant, I study the little fae as one of the maids usher her and her mother to a bigger suite. After they left my sight, I searched for my brother, ecstatic about the news to be shared.

Since the beginning, it's just been us. We raised ourselves with the manners and respect our so-called parents failed to obtain. Sirius, the person that I was supposed to call my father, was the king of the vampires, and Elora, the lady part of his scheme, was the princess of the dragons. Sirius was originally mates with my Elora's half-sister that wasn't very well respected. One night he killed his mate and cold blood while Elora watched. Watched and laughed. They mated together, something that has never been seen before, and had me. A couple of months later they had Cassian.

Our realms maintain peace by being separate, so seeing that not one but two hybrids of the most powerful types of royal blood were fused, problems arose. Elora and Sirius never cared to deal with them, or us for that matter. We were treated poorly even by the maids because the Royals didn't respect us. They showed undisguised disrespect for people above them.

As Cassian and I grew, we became more powerful. We learned to use our powers by ourselves, then we learned how to push our limits so we can expand our
usage. Our powers are almost identical, except I was a fire dragon and Cassian's dragon was a fear to be reckoned with. We had to make sacrifices to be able to be where we are now. Some like killing our parents and taking the throne so the dynasty doesn't fall and others like burning bridges that can never be rebuilt.

I stepped into the library, my eyes landing on my brother immediately. I gave him a slight smile as I saw his nose buried in a book. "Cassian," I announced my presence even though I knew he already knew I was here. I was a little surprised when he snapped his head up as if I scared him. "Too busy living your fantasy in your book to accompany me while I welcome the guest?" Cassian was almost as tall as me, him standing at 6'6 and me standing at 6'7. His skin was a shade paler than mine and his eyes shined an obsidian color.

"You found our mate." Pointing out the obvious and taking a seat. I joined the table, minding his open book. "I did, the daughter of Gemma from the faery realm." We are both familiar with Gemma, she is very reserved, especially after the passing of her husband and son, though no one knows exactly what happened, we still mourn them.

Zephyr, her late husband, used to be the one representing the realm. We all favored him, seeing as he was able to solve problems quickly, calmly, and efficiently. The family never lingered longer than needed and always minded their business, never including themself if it wasn't necessary. I've met the whole family only once. It was a memory stuck in my head for a good year or so but I could never figure out why.

Three years ago:

Raising my glass I made a toast once it came to my turn, thanking everyone for coming, and telling them to enjoy the rest of their evening. But as I looked out and saw everyone conversing with their mate and whatnot, I couldn't prevent the sour taste that sat on my tongue.

I've been waiting 533 years for a mate and I am yet to find them. Gulping my drink down, I brushed my thoughts off knowing all the waiting would be worth it once I come across them. Cassian walked up to me and just by the way his feet hit the ground I knew he was having the same types of thoughts. "It's not fair." Letting out a small laugh at his childish statement, I agreed. "I keep reminding myself it will be worth it in the end, but it's been a hell of a long time."

His reply faded out as my eyes landed on the Enya family, standing up, I started walking but then turned around and dragged Cassian with me after he failed to follow them. "Phoenix, stop pulling your sister's hair." Zephyr's voice was overlapped by his wife, Gemma's. "No need to cry, Mari." Finally reaching them, I greeted the family, "Zephyr, Gemma, my old friends." They offered a polite greeting back but my eyes were stuck on the girl's bright blue eyes before me.

"And your name?" I didn't get to hear the little fae's voice because her brother cut in, "This is Mariana and I'm Phoenix." The boy looked about 19, while Mariana looked 16, 17 pushing it. "Mariana bow to the Kings." Tilting my head slightly, I caught sight of Cassian looking mesmerized by the girl in front of us. "No need to bow. Is this your first time in another realm?" I was proud of the little fae in front of me when she turned around and assured her brother it was okay, she forgives him and she's able to talk by herself. "Yes, Sir. This is our first time. Our parents thought it would be safer entering the realm of angels as our first trip." Her delicate voice finally responded directly to me.

Cassian joined the conversation, staring nowhere else than the girl we tower over. I want to say she's about 5', reaching just up to our chest, barely. "I see you all have different color wings, yet are still biologically related? Why is that?" I took notice of what he did, Gemma's wings were an earthy green, Zephyr's a cloudy gray, Phoenix's was a fiery red, and Mariana's was an ocean blue. I also noticed all of their eyes corresponded with their wings.

"It's unlikely for faes to become mates with faes from other regions but seeing as Mama and Papa are and had us, it isn't very unusual that their wings provided two different colors in their offsprings. Though rare, it still happens." Stunned by Mariana's answer, I opened a quick mindlink with Cassian.

We always knew how to do this with each other. Ever since we have both been able to make full complete sentences. Given the fact that our parents never looked after us, we had to look after each other. It was a survival skill. "It seemed very rehearsed," I said, sharing eye contact, he responded. "Yes, but I don't think it was rehearsed for a bad reason." He cut the link off and responded to the awaiting family. "You are very right, though rare, it still happens and you are living proof of it." She coughed and took a tiny step forward, one that her family didn't notice as her cheeks ever so slightly bloomed the color of a rose.

Chatting with the family a little more, they excused themselves and that night I wasn't able to sleep. If only I knew she was my mate.

Breaking out the memories of the past, I focused on the present. I uttered the last words before we made our way to dinner.

"It was always spelled out in the night sky we adored looking at but the moon was shining too bright, stealing light from the message that lit up the night."


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