10|Apologies, Apologies, Apologies

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Two single words can change the path you are on.

I was in the garden again, swinging in the small swing I found deep in the bushes. It's been almost two days since I have talked to anyone. I have been avoiding everyone, being small I am easily hidden and you can't be bothered if you can't see the person.

Leaning my head back, my eyes connected to a cat's. Startled, I jumped up from the swing and to the floor. Looking back up, I watched the cat watch me. It jumped down from the small branch it was on and circled around me. My wings fluttered as I reached my hand out towards their nose.

After smelling my hand, they plopped themself into my lap. I spent most of my day playing with this cat. I was amazed by the features, the black cat had a small white spot on its tail as well as its ear and bright green eyes.

I went inside, ready to eat something after I skipped dinner yesterday. I passed by the king's offices, stopping in between the two doors on each of my sides. I knew they could feel my presence. I also know I am longing for their touch. Suddenly I didn't feel hungry anymore.

I went back to the guest room I decided to stay in. The cat I have yet to name follows behind me. The cat curled into me as I laid down on the bed. Falling asleep, I wasn't aware of how much pain my mates were in as well.

Cassian's POV

I felt her. The way she stopped in front of my office. Was she going to come in? I doubt it. Did she know how much I missed? How much I missed my girl. Did I even have the right to call her that anymore?

God, not being able to even look at was fucking killing me. Ezekiel and I tried apologizing but she blankly stared at us and left.

And I couldn't find my fucking cat. I got Nox and I have been attached to him ever since. He and I share an emotional bond, seems fuckung pathetic but him being by my side has helped me so much. "Fuck it." I stood up quickly, ready to look for Nox.

I checked in all of his favorite spots with a couple of treats in hand. I checked in the garden because he likes to relax there. I took notice of all the freshly bloomed flowers, certainly Mariana's doing.

I finally found him. Curled up in bed with Mariana. Their chest rose up and down in sync. Mariana's lips were slightly parted with soft snores coming out from them.

Epitome of perfection.

I watched Nox start to wake up, stretching and yawning like it was his world. "Nox," I whispered, conscious of Mariana's sleeping state. His head quickly snapped up, his green eyes meeting my black ones.

He was quickly by my side, abandoning Mariana for the treats. I held my hand out for him and waited for him to finish.

Mariana started to stir on the bed, most likely noticing Nox disappearance in her sleep. Small whines came out of her mouth and I debated what I should do.

Should I put Nox back? Or put a pillow? Or maybe myself? No, I would be taking advantage of her sleeping state for my own benefit.

I placed a pillow in the empty space. I was too slow to live away and Mariana's hand caught my arm. "Well fuck." I leaned closer to her, "Mari," I shook her a little. "Mari, walk up." My voice was in a soft tone, one that I didn't even know was possible.

Her purple eyes fluttered open. "Cass," My heart throbbed at the nickname and her small voice. I knew she wasn't in the right state of mind right now. "Mari, you grabbed onto my arm, I didn't want to make you uncomfortable so I woke you up. I don't want to take advantage of you. I am ready to wait for as long as it takes. Okay, yeah that's all."

She looked up at me with those beautiful eyes. God, those fucking eyes. "Oh, thank you, Cass. I found a kitty, but I don't really know where it went so I can't show you." I really don't know why I didn't put it together that Nox has been missing because he was with Mariana.

"Come here Nox." He quickly ran over to me. Mari's eyes lit up. "That's their name? Nox?" He jumped into her arms, and I couldn't help but feel jealous. I'm jealous of a fucking cat. I'm fucking pathetic.

"This isn't fair." I paused my glares at the cat and looked back up at her words. "This isn't fair to Ezekiel. I can't give you some satisfaction and not him." I heard her chant a couple unfairs under her breath before I cut in. "Do you want me to call him?"

"Mhm." I wasn't pleased with her nonverbal response but I let it slide. Just about six seconds later, Ezekiel was here.

Ezekiel's POV

They both stared up at me, Cassian crouched beside the bed Mariana was sitting on, and of course, Nox was living his best life twirling around in the bed sheets. He flipped himself upside down then back on to Mariana's lap.

"What happened? Is something wrong?" I made my way towards them. "I was talking to Mari and she didn't think it was fair to do it without you."

"Oh." Why the fuck are there tears forming in my eyes. What the fuck. "What were you guys talking about?" Nox ran in circles on the bed and Mari caught him from falling off the bed. "Mariana found Nox and wanted to show us."

Fucking adorable. "And because I think we should talk." Cassian and I both straightened up, ready to listen to everything she was about to say.

"Okay so like.." She dragged out the e, hesitatingly. "Basically, I feel like I've been dragging this out and it and I mean I'm sorry, because we were all in pain and it just isn't healthy. I don't know, just basically, I'm sorry and I hope you can forgive me and I don't like the tension between all of us and-Nox owie-'' She paused as Nox nipped her skin but continued, "Yeah that's basically all, I planted flowers in the garden for each of you, sorry. Okie, you guys can talk now, if you want, only if you want."

Should I touch her? I feel like I shouldn't, no I don't have her consent, I won't.

Cassian spoke up first, "Don't apologize. You did absolutely nothing wrong. I'm not going to continue to make excuses, we fucked up, plain and simple. Please don't apologize for us." I continued in my little brother's sentence, "I know you might not be ready to forgive us, and that's understandable. We just want you to know how incredibly sorry we are, and anything like this will never happen again. We are willing to wait as long as it takes for you to forgive us."

We were all silent for a couple of seconds before Mariana spoke up in a quiet voice, "I," She took a deep breath and the tension in the room thickened before it dissipated. "I don't want us to be pitted against each other. It's not fair to any of us. I just want us to move on from this."

Cassian and I both agreed. "I'm hungry." Laughing at Mari's statement, we went to the kitchen and prepared something for her, well I did. Cassian can't cook for shit. After she showed us the flowers she planted for us. She planted me a marigold and Cassian an iris flower.

"This is all I could ever ask for."

*lolies I've been so preoccupied with school and dealing with other things, sorry for this taking so long:)* 

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