08| A New Home-Mariana

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She was leaving what she thought was home but was simply just a house.

Finally untangling myself from the men's arms, I stepped back. "Look, look!" I crouched down, pointing to the flower I healed moments before. "Woah, such a good job." Smiling up at Ezekiel's praise, I stood up and led them inside the cottage in front of us. "Hello, your majesties. How are you today?" Mama came out from the kitchen. Only Ezekiel answered her, "Great, thank you, Gemma." Cassian glanced around while playing with my fingers. I grasped Ezekiel's hand as well while he talked to Mama.

"We've come to help Mariana pack." She nodded telling me to bring them up to my room. "Come," It was funny to see two kings crouch going up tiny stairs and down the hallway. I slightly blushed as they stepped inside my room painted purple. My bed was lined with stuffed animals. I tried to throw my blanket over them to conceal them. "Cute." Ezekiel picked up tiny trinkets on my dresser, "Adorable." Cassian mumbled while holding one of my stuffed animals.

Boxes scattered my floor in a chaotic manner. Using my feet to kick them so they don't look as messy, as well as trying not to drag the attention away from the men observing my room. I let them continue to look as I finished packing away all my clothes. "How do you want us to sort things?" Ezekiel questioned. "Here, I'll put a box next to the things that should go in it." Placing a separate box by my dresser, my bed, my closet, and my desk, we got to work. Cassian was packing everything by my bed and Ezekiel by the dresser. "Be careful with them, they aren't used to being moved around very much," I whispered to Cassian as he started moving my stuffed animals. He nodded and picked it up gently, placing it into the box.

Turning my head to Ezekiel, "Papa gave me those so please be careful with them." His hands wrapped the glass ballerina and made sure its place in the box ensured it wouldn't move. Every year on my birthday, Papa has given me another little glass figure ever since I was born. The last one I got before he passed away was a dragon. Mama yelled at him, saying it wasn't appropriate, but I fell in love with it instantly. I didn't understand when he pulled me aside and whispered, "When the time comes, I give you my blessing." But now I do.

I looked around at the three of us in my small room. How one of the men was plopped on the floor, gently picking up stuffed animals as if even the lightest squeeze could hurt it. And the other would bring up the little figures close to his face, amazed then wrap it carefully. I smiled, realizing this is what I was destined for. To be in the presence of my soulmates while we are all happy.

"See something you like, little fae?" Breaking out of my thoughts, I looked up at Cassian. Laughing a bit, I whispered a quick yes and carried on with the task on hand, feeling unmatched happiness.

The boxes were soon filled and my room was empty. Tears made their way to my eyes. I grew up here. This has been my home for the past 19 years. This house held so many emotions. I could almost hear Phoenix and I laughing together.


"I'm gonna find you, Mari!" I could hear the amusement in Phoenix's voice.  I covered my mouth, preventing myself from laughing and revealing my hiding spot under the bed. We've been playing hide and seek for the past fifteen minutes or so, it's safe to say Phoenix is not the best seeker. Mama and Papa were at the market and trusted us to stay in the house alone. They say Phoenix is very mature for the age of 14, I can confirm full-heartedly I was not a mature eleven-year-old.

His feet moved by my closet and I couldn't see him anymore. "I guess she's not in there." Mumbling to himself, I titled my head, laughing silently on the floor, not noticing Phoenix dropping to the floor, spotting me. "I found you!" I started laughing and he shortly joined in. "You're upside down!" I crawled out from under, careful not to hurt my wings. "No, you are!" Both our wings fluttered, our feet off the ground as we heard the door open revealing our parents.

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