07| Sweet and Sour-Cassian

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The blood on his hands defined his past, present and would define his future.

I entered the dungeon, ready to take all my anger out on the man, no he couldn't even be considered a man, the boy sitting in the cell. Soon to be rotting. I was surprised when Ezekiel came up by my side, normally I handle this stuff alone. "She's my mate too, little brother."Scowling at the name and lightly pushing him away, muttering a light 'whatever'

Approaching the cell, I singled the guard to open it. Walking in, I took in the figure shaking in the corner of the cell. Glancing at Ezekiel with a small smirk on my face, I cracked my fingers and walked closer. "Hey Vic, can I call you Vic? So, I want you to tell me your side of the story, you know, just for fun." His eyes lit up at the proposition. "That bitch," Strike one. "Stole from you and Victoria caught her. My sister worked hard on that business and it would look bad on her if someone stealing from royalty shopped at her boutique."

He stood up to his full height and continued, "You know, it's really a shame. She could have been one of my toys. You're a man, both of you. Sucks you got to her first. Have fun with her, will you?" Fuck strike two. I grabbed him by the neck, slamming him against the wall hard. "Leave our girl's name out of your disgusting mouth. I'm gonna make sure you die, long and painful." Pulling the blade out of my holster and stabbing it in his arm.

The first drop of blood fell on the floor, Ezekiel and I haven't fed in a while, it would be nice to take this chance. I inhaled heavily, almost gagging at the scent of the blood. Depending on who much and what type of witchcraft you use, it could taint your blood. It was easy to see the man used it heavily on a daily.

He cried out in pain, his other arm latched around mine trying to pull it off. Ezekiel came up next to me and ripped his arm off, then slamming it down, breaking it. I took my knife out of the wound, not before twisting it clockwise first. The man's pathetic whimpers filled my ears.

Ezekiel took out his knife. His knife had a silver design with red lines going through it. Mine was matching, but with black lines. These knives were the first thing that we used our own money on. The end of the handle opens up to store poison if it was ever needed. Mariana is getting one with blue lines, Ezekiel and I decided on it the moment she left. I'm really hoping she likes it.

I rocked on my feet in excitement while Ezekiel sliced one of his fingers off. "Just to make sure your filthy hands can't touch our mate again." Flipping and twirling the knife in my hands while waiting my turn, I groaned. "It's my turn," I said to Ezekiel as another one of the prisoners' fingers was cut off. "Yeah yeah."

He stepped back, my knife neared his face, trailing a light path on it."Smile." With the single word, I pressed the knife down, one cheek at a time, carving a smile onto the pailing face. Quickly slicing his tongue so the cries weren't heard. Slightly smiling down at the bloody mess, I realized I got it on my shirt. "Well, shit." Impaling him with my knife in the shoulder, I groaned, "You got your pathetic blood on my shirt. I can't even feed on this without being left feeling repulsed by it."

Finally decided we would give the man a break to bask in his misery after losing 7 fingers, three toes, a tongue, along with having all his ribs broken and both arms and a leg. Stepping back, I tilted my head back slightly, while raising my hands, summoning three shadows to come out to play. Closing and looking at the cell door, we left the man to rot until our next visit.

Ezekiel and I are two very different people when it comes to our dragons. He was a fire dragon which is quite common but was also gifted with sensory deprivation, along with the gift of lightning. He was able to remove anyone's senses by just putting the thought into his head. His palms are able to regenerate enough voltage to send even me to the ground.

I on the other hand am a different story, I had shadow manipulation. I control the things that follow you around, they are my domain. Ever since a young age, I would shunt people with them, mostly using the lost shadows because they had an opportunity to follow something new.

Yet something we both share is soul manipulation, Lucifer chose us to cooperate with what we call hollow souls. These souls are at our beck and command, doing anything we need them to do for us. I do enjoy getting my hands dirty but it does get tiring washing the blood off my hands every night seeing as it stains.

"Cassian," I snapped my head over at an annoyed Ezekiel, "Yes?" He sighed heavily, rubbing his forehead, a habit he's had since we were a kid. "I've called your names about a dozen times in the last five minutes. But that's beyond the point, go clean up, we are going to Nysa to help Mari transfer her stuff over here." My ear perked at the mention of our mate.

Turning around quickly, I made my way to my room, quickly cleaning myself up and picking a new outfit. Deciding on a black dress shirt and pants with my shirt rolled up to my elbows showing my tattoos. My eyes followed my most recent tattoo, two dragons wings stood guarding a small pair of wings decorated with flowers. A small inscription sat on my skin right under the wings, 'amor est in aeternun post' A love that is forever after.

After texting Mari, I gave myself this tattoo, taking in how much she means to mean already. I give myself most of the tattoos I have, Ezekiel does the rest for me and I do it for him. "Cassian!" Making my way down the stairs after hearing my name, "Stop yelling old man, you'll give me a headache. Now come on, I wanna see Mariana." My brother simply shook his head at me, letting out a small laugh. I smiled light hearing it. It's always been just us, and now we have a new addition making our once duo a trio.

Reaching the moon gate, it activated automatically. Each realm has a secret word or phrase they use to open up their gate so that other beings don't come in and invade. In royalty, a small part of your moon gate is intertwined with your soul so it recognizes you immediately.

The fresh flower scent indeed hit my nose immediately. Mariana was a forest faerie so we came to the forest region, it wasn't hard to spot the small village or our mate. Making our way up to her and ignoring the startled gasp of yelps of the other faeries in the village, I took her in. I assumed she was talking to her mother while bending down to rest on her knees, her hand enclosed around what I assumed was a flower and her eyes fluttered closed. A quick 2 seconds later the flower was now alive and thriving along with Mariana's wings glimmering.

As if she sensed up our presence, she looked up and I had to refrain from doing something she most defiantly wasn't ready for. The way the pretty baby stared up at us made blood rush to my dick very quickly. Her head was up to my waist directly in front of my hard-on. I could almost imagine what her plump lips would feel like wrapped around me while on her knees just like she is now.  

Getting up quickly and throwing her arms tightly around the both of us. Ezekiel and I clashed together but didn't pay any mind to it knowing there were many more hugs like this to come. "Good Morning angel." She laughed, one that would invade my thoughts for the rest of time.


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