06| Leaving-Mariana

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Mariana's POV

The friendship was formed, one for the greater good.

Waking up, I dialed the number Lila left me. "Hello?" Their voice flew through the receiver. "Hello! It's Mariana. I was wondering if you wanted to go out to breakfast today before we leave?" There was a small pause before they answered. "Of course! I'm so glad you called, we can meet by the dining room in 15 minutes, I hope you don't mind if I bring my mate." I shook my head, forgetting that today was the day I would meet their mysterious mate. "No, not at all." Finally leaving my bed, getting my outfit ready, and taking a quick shower.

The lace on my tank top underneath my pink sweater matched the lace at the end of my skirt. I had thigh highs with a fishnet pattern and the plaid on the skirt was mostly black, accented pink, grey, and some white. The black ribbon went up criss-cross, the same way the laces on my black boots did.

Walking down to where they said we should meet up, I ran into one of the maids on the way. I recognized her as the maid who brought Mama and me to our rooms. "You look very pretty, miss." The maid's timid voice reached my ears. "Thank you! Your hair looks so pretty!" They scurried off, muttering a quick 'thank you almost as if she wasn't allowed to speak anymore. The oak door came into my view with Lila and who I assume is their mate. "Hello!" Both heads turned towards me and smiles grew onto all of our faces. "Mariana, there you are. This is my mate, Willow." The dark complexion of Willow almost matched mine. Their warm hazel eyes assessed me. "Hey, I love your outfit. You have to tell me where-" Their sentence was cut short.

I felt a presence behind me, turning around to see who it was. Cassian stared down at me. My arms latched around his torso in a good morning hug, and he quickly accepted it while wrapping his around me as well. "Goodmorning, love." Two small gasps were heard, while I answered him. "Goodmorning, Cass. Did you sleep well?" Pulling me even closer to him, he retorted. "Mhm. You?"

"I slept well too." His hand came down to tug on the bottom of my shirt, just a bit. "I like this," Floating down to my thigh highs, he tugged on the lace as well. "I like this too. You look beautiful, baby."

My heart flipped at the name while his hands roamed my body, slowly tugging small things in my outfit. "Thank you!" Giving a big smile aimed at him. "Where's Ezekiel?" The obsidian eyes clouded over, turning a dark shade of grey. "He's in his office, and asked him to meet you when you finish in town." Giving him a small yes in confirmation, I turned back to the couple standing with agape mouths.

"Are you guys ready?" Cassian seemed to notice them only after I said something to them. "Ask one of the maids to bring you to Ezekiel's office when you get back. Have fun, love." He pulled out his wallet and handed me 200 bills worth of dryl. Dryl is the currency in the supernatural realm. The bills shined a faint white light just to prove it's real. It didn't shine, it wasn't real. "No, no, I can't take this. This is your money. Spend it on yourself." My hand politely pushed away the money, but Cassian wouldn't let up. "I'm gifting it to you. Take it as a thank you for dining with us last night. Buy yourself something pretty, preferably black and red so you can show it off to Ezekiel and me." The money was again in my hands.

I whispered, "I don't deserve this." Cassian's voice dropped down to match my whisper, "I would buy you the whole world, and all you had to do was sit and look pretty. Now go, you deserve every good thing the world hands to you." My mind immediately went to the mates I'm blessed with. "Like you?" Placing a short kiss on my forehead, he replied, "Yeah, sure. Like me." Along with a short laugh.

"Bye, bye Cassian. See you later. Thank you so much!" He turned his back and my ear was filled with gossip by the couple.

"You're the king's mate?"

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