05| Acceptence-Mariana

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A change that would affect the world. Later only to realize it was all fake.

I gulped, quietly. "Mariana, bow." Mama slightly hissed at me. I started to bow my head in submission to the kings in front of me. "Don't," Cassian warned. Mama snapped her head up to me, then to the men in front of us, stated, "You've met my daughter already." Shifting on my feet, I inched forward towards the brothers by the door, feeling the need to be next to them. "Yes." Ezekiel retorted, bluntly.

"King Ezekiel took me on a tour around the castle. I met King Cassian only about an hour ago." I went more into detail, informing her. "I see," Mama said in a snapping tone. A tattooed arm reached out to my waist, pulling me to them. I yelped in surprise after my back was pressed against Cassian's chest. "Let's get to the point. Gemma, your daughter is my brother and I's mate." My suspicion was confirmed, I tried to push the thought that the kings were being so nice to me because I was their soulmate.

It's never been heard of, someone with two mates. But let's face it, these men are the only known hybrids. In this case, anything is possible. "Isn't that right, little fae?" Titling my head up to see Cassian's face, while he cooed at me, I nodded, letting out a small hum of agreement. Mama sputtered out a few words of surprise before gaining her composure. "You guys are," She paused and then continued, "mates?"

My head snapped back to look at her. This must be so much to take in. "I'm sorry Mama." It wasn't right of me to just spring this onto her like this. She is probably very stressed right now. "No. Don't apologize. Finding a mate is an amazing feeling. I'm so happy for you, my dear." The ecstatic words reached my ears and my mood instantly brightened. "Really?" Her gleeful answer was way different from my whispers. "Of course! Will she be staying with you guys in the castle or are you commuting back and forth?" The question was now directed at Cassian and Ezekiel.

Their eyes clouded over, they were mind linking. Vampires, dragons, and werewolves were all blessed by their gods to be able to do that, communicate quickly no matter where you were. You were able to send your thoughts to another's mind if you were connected in some way. With werewolves, it was a pack, vampires, a coven, and dragons were more common in families because they don't have a certain group they have to join. But if they wanted to with someone else, their blood would need to connect, a common way was cutting their palm and joining them, chanting a couple of words.

It was only a quick couple of seconds before Ezekiel replied for the both of them. "She will be living with us in the castle." I stumbled back a little bit, I couldn't move out of Nysa. How about Rosemary and Mama, what will happen to them? It's been just us for the longest now. I couldn't leave. "No, I can't leave you, Mama." All heads turned to me, seeing the unshed tears. Mama bent down when she was near me as Ezekiel came closer and Cassian turned me to him. "My dear, I will be fine. It's not like you're leaving and never coming back. This is good, for all of us. And as for Rosie, because I know you are thinking about her too, I'm sure the kings will grant her permission to come, I will talk to the elders as well about it." Her kind words gave me some sort of reassurance. Looking up, the kind eyes staring down at me pushed all the worries away.

Hesitating just for a second, I answered, "Okay, pinky promise?" A short laugh was heard by Mama, "Pinky promise." Our pinky connected and we kissed our thumbs. A promise was made. "Don't worry, you can go back whenever you like. I can promise you that as well." A smile graced my face, one directed at the whole. "Thank you!" Glancing up at Cassian, there was an emotion I can't decipher in his eyes. Fully turning towards him, I asked, "Can I hug you?" The obsidian eyes widened a little before nodding and grunting out a quick yes. My arms wrapped him in a warm embrace. Cassian accepted the hug quickly and copied my action.

I couldn't help but feel safe in his arms. My mate held me with so much security, holding me tightly, I never wanted him to let go. Glancing over at Ezekiel, I wormed my way out of Cassian's and moved to him. "Can I-" Before being able to ask for consent, I was cut off, pulled into strong arms. A small yelp escaped my lip while his nose nuzzled into my hair. He held me for a couple of seconds before another pair of arms wrapped around me, nuzzling his nose into my neck. "I'll go, have fun!" Mama quietly left the room.

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