11| Blue Balls

243 11 16

Mariana's POV

Sometimes the past is better left buried.

I was glad to be talking to Ezekiel and Cassian again. It's been a few weeks since I moved it and it has been amazing. We are all in harmony together, we have dinner and they include me in conflicts through out the realm. Just in over a week will I be crowned queen.

Though this is all great, I am unable to shake the feeling of something bad going to happen. My emotions have been all over the place and it has taken more energy to summon the elements. I haven't shared this worry with Cassian or Ezekiel because how could I? Instead, I have indulged in the comfort of Mama.

"Hi, Peach," Mama greeted me warmly as I stepped into the threshold of the cozy house. I greeted her back as we hugged. "You sounded trouble over the phone, what worrying you?" We sat down at the table as I prepared my words.

"Mama, you remember the men who came after Papa and-" Her face turned stoic as she cut me off. "No." I looked down in shame, Mama always told me not to talk about them but I fear they have something to do with what was going on with me.

Tears threatened to come out from her eyes as I turned my head down in shame. "I'm sorry." She rolled her eyes with a sigh, "Don't bring them up again, Mariana. You understand me?" I nodded my head quickly, "Yes Mama, I understand."

We spent the rest of the day together, talking and laughing. After eating dinner, I decided it was time to go home and see my men.

I walked into the castle, deafening silence filling my ears. I opened the door to the throne room, moonlight shining through the windows as the only light source. "Mariana." My name was spoken by Cassian while Ezekiel sat on the throne of his own.

"Hey guys!" No one responded and I stood silently. "Come." I inched my way closer and gracefully fell to my knees in the middle of the two thrones. I handed them both little flowers I collected on my way back to them. Ezekiel thanked me quickly before placing it down while Cassian simply stared at my neck.

Maybe he didn't like it, I reached over to grab it back about to apologize but he grabbed my wrist in a tight but gentle hold. "No." My head bowed, feeling guilt.

"Have you ever been fucked, Mariana?" My neck snapped so quickly to Ezekiel I got whiplash. I opened mouth to answer but Cassian beat me to it. "Of course she hasn't, look at that fucking necklace around her neck." Immediately my hands grasped my necklace, my purity necklace.

"I-if it's a problem, I can take it off. I'm sorry." Cassian for up from his chair, heading for the door as he said. "Not a problem." Before the door slammed shut after his exit. I looked up at Ezekiel, "Come here, pretty girl." He ushered me onto his lap, I sat in a comfortable position and slipped my heels off.

"How was your day?" A whole rant began as I told him about what I did in my home realm, he actively listened and didn't interrupt me once. "How about we go to bed?" I nodded my head with a yawn as I got up expecting him to follow. "Go, I'll be there in a second." Mumbling a tired 'okay', I left.

My feet dragged on the floor while heading to my bedroom, before I could reach there, I saw the light in Cassian's office on. With a small knock, I walked in. He looked up slightly even though I was sure he already knew it was me.

"Did I make you mad Cass? If there's anything I can do to make it up to you, I will. I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to upset you. I'm so sorry." I ranted on as he just stated. I stopped as he only stared. My eyes caught the flower I gave him encased in a glass stand, protected from the world.

Cassian stood up with a dangerous look in his eye, when he got to me, he tugged on my necklace slightly then wrapped his hand around my throat. "I promise you this, baby. Once this necklace is off, I'm going to keep fucking you until you can't even remember your own name. Ezekiel and I are going to turn you into our own personal slut to use as we please." He stared deeply in my eyes and I knew he was serious when he uttered this, "The gods made this body for us, we own you, Mariana." With that he left just as he did earlier.

I went to bed knowing I was giving my mates a big case of blue balls.

Has it been a year and a half since I updated? yeah! i'm going to try to update more now thank you all for reading i hope you enjoy this book. i know exactly what i want to do with it but i'm struggling to play it out. i love all of you!! until the next time

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