09| Practice Makes Perfect-Mariana

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When she smiles, the whole world lights up.

It's been a week in the castle and I can confirm, it is super boring. Cassian and Ezekiel all had matters to deal with, I know they didn't want to leave me, I shouldn't be acting like this. I should be simply happy to be here. Both men have told me that they have a routine ingrained in their mind, now that I'm here it's harder for everyone to get adjusted.

I sat in the room, alone, about to do some practice. The water flowed out of my hand easily, it shaped into a heart. Smiling at it softly, I moved it around more. Setting it in the air, fire came out more roughly as I wasn't as used to it, placing it into the air next to the water making sure it wasn't touching the other element. Spinning my finger lightly in the air, the wind started forming above, I shaped it into a small ball. Finally using the last element needed to complete, Earth. My hands trembled slightly while trying to form and manipulate a bolder but it was successfully done. Each element floated in the air by the control of my hand.

Decades ago, each element was endangered over a fight that resulted in each species trying to have an element for themselves. So the gods found a solution, each element gets a protector. Once they pass on, the responsibility gets gifted to someone else.

My family is the latest one to protect it, each member got an element. Mama held earth, Papa was wind, Phoenix was fire and I held water. We all spent our lives mastering and learning to protect the elements. Though Phoenix and I have never had to be faced with problems directly, Mama and Papa sometimes used to go on trips just to make sure everything was going smoothly.

Phoenix and Papa's powers were passed on to me to protect them before they died, and Mama decided to give me her powers just so when she passed it wouldn't be passed onto someone else. Element holders are immortal since they are living off the power of their element. It takes a lot to kill one, unfortunately, it has been done before.

Placing each element to the floor, I watched as they turned to ash and disintegrated by the will of my palm. The ashes scattered into the air and out the open window. Rubbing my hand on the marble floor and sighing, I missed the door opening and closing.

"Hey, bestie!" Whipping my head around towards Aspen's voice, startled, I greeted back, "Hey, Aspen. What are you doing here?" Plopping himself on the floor next to me and spreading out so his head rested in my lap. "Well those kings of yours wanted me to check on you. And I haven't seen you in like ages."

Furrowing my eyebrows, I contemplated letting him know I just saw him yesterday. "Same! It's been so long since we talked." Looking up at me with a small smile, I was glad I chose to play along.

Many hours passed and we were in town. Aspen went into Ezekiel's office to ask for permission and I had to remind myself that this is new to everyone after he didn't spare me a glance.

Weaving through the crowds of Python was overwhelming, it was a Saturday, meaning everyone would be out. My arm was latched on to Aspens the whole time. "Do you want to eat?" Nodding my head slightly, we slipped into a fancy-looking restaurant.

Classical music was playing, couples were dining, and a crystal chandelier lamp sat at every table. I felt a little underdressed because I thought we wouldn't be going anywhere special. Chanting in my head that I belonged here, even if I didn't.

"You seem sad." My eyes lifted from the menu, "Are you okay?" Tugging on my skirt a little, I retorted, "I'm okay, this is all just very new for me." I was glad I had Aspen, after losing Rosie I felt like he was the only one I could really talk to.

"Well, we are all here for you. I understand what you're saying but I can't understand how you're feeling. Does that make sense? My mate says it to me." I quickly glanced up and this new information, "You have a mate?" Whisper shouting at them, he did the same back, "Yes! I didn't know how to bring it up to you so here it is."

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