Chapter Two: The Rebels

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My hearing returned to me before anything else. I could hear water being rung out of a rag and I could feel it being dabbed against my forehead, causing me to frown. Who is bothering me when I am trying to rest?

"Are you awake, Princess?" A woman asked.

I do not recognize that voice. I forced my eyes open and sprung out of the bed. Who is she? Where am I? Where is Kyro? I need to get out of here.

A dwarf woman looked at me with large brown eyes. She must have been the one that spoke. It looks like I caught her by surprise. She had dark skin that seemed to glow even in this harsh lighting. Her dark locks were braided down. Her clothes seemed a bit too big for her size, but she still filled them out well.

My eyes scanned the room before they landed on the door. The dirt walls had green vines growing from between the cracks. We must be underground. The only source of light was a minor light spell casted on a couple lanterns. There were two beds placed side by side and covered with white blankets. On the other side of the room, there was medical supplies and what looks like an alchemy set. The dirt ground was oddly cold against my bare feet, but that was the least of my concerns. I need to get out of here.

Once again, my eyes landed on the door and I bolted out of the room, taking the dwarf woman by surprise. The hallway was much like the room, but much more illuminated. It was littered with different species. They all looked at me as if I had two heads. It does not matter. I just need to get away from here. I continued running, searching for an exit.

"Stop her!" The dwarf woman ordered.

Ogres, orcs, goblins, fairies--they all tried to capture me to no avail. My agility and flexibility allowed me to evade each of my attackers. I ran into a more open area, being surrounded by many more bodies. The assailants I dodged closed in behind me. Seeing no other options, I lit my hands up with blue moon energy and prepared for a battle.

"Faelyn! It's okay, you're safe here." Someone said, emerging from the crowd.


In the blink of an eye, I was tackling him in a hug. He was barely able to catch himself before he wrapped his arms around me. He's alive! He's okay! He's...probably uncomfortable. I quickly removed myself, fighting the red blush that burned my cheeks.

"Where am I?" I asked, trying to move on from that awkward moment.

"One of the underground rebel bases." Kyro answered.

They are the ones against the Holy Alliance, but why am I here? I need to find that old mage and bloodthirsty general. I will avenge my tribe with my life if I have too.

"Kyro! It seems like your friend has caused a little trouble." A man chuckled as he slapped a hand on Kyro's shoulder.

"She's just a little confused. A lot happened before we arrived." Kyro replied.

"I see," The man eyed me before looking on to the crowd, "Carry on."

The crowd dispersed with his command. The dwarf woman approached us, making me take tentative steps back. She caused a bunch of creatures to chase me and did who knows what to me while I was asleep.

"You're not going anywhere, Princess. I need to make sure you are fully healed." She announced.

"I heal quickly. I am fine." I assured her.

"I will be the judge of that." She huffed, making me glare at her.

"Mina, you are making her uneasy. If she says she is well, then she is." The man said.

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