Chapter 11: An End

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4 weeks...

It's been four weeks since Faelyn has been captured. It's been four weeks since my flame was taken from me. I know she is unharmed, but I can feel it. She is terrified. Hells, I am terrified too. What if they kill her? Why haven't they already?

I can sense your worry, young prince.

It has been too long, Lucien. What could they possibly want with her?

Yes, what could our enemy want with our strongest weapon?

Enough with the sarcasm. And Faelyn is not a weapon.

But, that is what they will use her as. It would be a waste to simply kill a champion with such power.

You are not making me feel any better, dragon.

"Kyro! You spaced on me, mate!" Landon exclaimed, snapping me out of my conversation with Lucien.

He, Mina, Ayla, Lonzo, Yvaine and I sat in the meeting room. We have been trying for weeks to come up with a strategy to save Faelyn, but every plan will lead to another disaster. We could rush the dungeon, but they would most likely just kill her on the spot. We could sneak in, but we do not know the layout. We could get lost and captured. Plus, we cannot just leave the village unprotected. If the Holy Alliance still decides to go with their original plan, then we need all the people we can to hold them back. It seems as if there is no solution in sight.

"I am telling you, the moon elf is strong enough to break herself out. She would want us to focus on the enemy." Ayla argued.

"Her name is Faelyn. And if she could break herself out, she would have done it by now." I retorted, a nervous hand running through my dark locks.

"Prince Kyro, perhaps you should get some rest. I hear you have not been sleeping well." Lonzo placed a hand on my shoulder.

"I will rest when Faeyln is back." I huffed.

"I could request additional aid from my father. That way we have more warriors to defend the village while we rescue Faelyn." Yvaine suggested.

"Although the extra hands would be welcomed, we still have one more problem. How do we rescue the princess without alerting the enemy?" Mina pondered.

"We send in a small squad," Landon announced, "The members will be carefully chosen. I or Yvaine have to go. We can catch Faelyn's scent and find her. I assume Kyro will also want to join for obvious reasons."

"I will also go. The moon el-Faelyn was captured because I was too weak. It is only right if I aid in rescuing her." Ayla offered.

"No," Landon refused, "This rescue will be carried out at night. You will only run into the same problem."

"I will go." Lonzo sighed.

I could see it in his eyes. He does not want to. He vowed to never return to that wretched place. They took his honor and virtues and tarnished them. He was a knight--one of the best. He was assigned to protect me with his life. But, he protected everyone fiercely. It did not matter what creature you were. He will defend you even if it will cost him his own life. That is why they call him 'Sir Lonzo the Brave'.

However, after he received orders from my father to slay anything inhuman, he refused and was stripped of his knight title. He was deemed an enemy of the crown. When he left, I went with him, much to his discontent. Not too long after, we started a resistance. It may have been a few years ago, but some wounds do not heal no matter how much time has passed.

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