Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

As Alucard picked up the key, he assumed the key was for the cell so he attempted to break a hole in the door with a stone and stretch his arm out to the keyhole. When he got his arm through he inserted the key into the keyhole from the outside when he unlocked it a great relief came to him. As he opened the steel door an aroma of death and rotting bodies came into his skinless nose, when he looked around he saw holes and dents in the broken building. So when he got over the smell and walked out the door he noticed a name engraved with blood on his cell, the name was in demon so he couldn't read it. He decided to look at everyone in their cell through the peephole because he wanted to form an alliance and escape but most of them were insane, too sad to help, or even gone, they must've withered away. But in one of the cell's he found a person who wasn't hollow and was still alive. When she had noticed him in the peephole she was startled at the look of his rotten face but asked "are you here to rescue me", she asked and he replied "yes", and unlocked the steel door to her cell when he realized the key that he possessed was a wardens key that could open every door in the building even the door out. She said Thank you and then she smelled the horrifying aroma set out by the carcasses in the disgusting cells and vomited. She soon said," My name is Seras Victoria and you are", but as he replied he almost said that he didn't remember his name but soon after he remembered? He guessed the witches tried to erase his memory with amnesia but it didn't work," Alucard Hellsing, now we need to get armed so we can get out of here", "But you're still hollow, well you're in luck because I have a spell to make you human again I'll need a staff to do it though." Seras said. As they ran through the horrid halls of this foul dungeon in search of weapons and Seras's staff to reverse his hollowing many guards and prisoners tried to attack them but because Alucard was such a great swordsman (even with a broken sword and a cracked shield), and Seras had strong magic (even though she didn't have her staff) the enemies were all too feeble and weak and were defeated. As they approached the armory they noticed a giant black knight. "He may be trouble maybe we should" "NO we go straight through and murder them for deep inside I feel betrayed, how could they abandon me but it doesn't matter for I shall murder everyone Gwyn and his soldiers blood will be crimson and the witches will be purple and Seath himself shall be dark blue, and lastly Nito won't have any, how could they abandon me I was their backbone but I see them falling now anyway Seath will become violent and turn on us just like he did his own, the witches will kill them all for more power and Nito will need more death, and when Gwyn goes hollow he'll murder everyone in rage and when I slay him I'll be alone no one will be with me. "But Alucard I'll be here with you", and she hugged him even though his body was hollow. "Now let us defeat this black knight comrade", Seras said. But when they looked at the knight they noticed he had something. Seras's staff! As Alucard rushed at the Black Knight trying to distract him so Seras could get the staff the Black Knight turned and swung his giant sword at Alucard. Alucard dodged it but tripped on a crack on the floor but then Seras grabbed her staff and yelled "No" and used a spell that flung the Knight through the wall into a room. But, it was the same room that the asylum demon was in. So the demon crushed the knight with his giant hammer then he noticed Seras and Alucard so he broke a bigger hole in the wall and charged "go Alucard I'll hold it off get armed and come back she said with a smile.

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