Chapter 2

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            I was woken by the sound of my dad’s alarm in the next room. I sighed then rolled over onto my side. About five minutes later I could hear footsteps coming in my direction and the door opened, “Get up!”

            I turned over and saw my dad in the door way with crossed arms.

            I sighed and through of my covers, I was still in yesterday’s clothes.

            “Put on some clean clothes. We’re leaving in 45 minutes.” He said then left.

            I got off my bed and went to shower and then put on a pair of skin tight jeans, long sleeved white shirt, and a black sleeveless V neck. Once I finished with my hair I walked out of the bathroom and into the kitchen.

            “I see you didn’t make a breakfast!” I yelled.

            “I already ate so hurry up.” I heard him shout back from another room.

            “Ugh, so not fair.” I said under my breath.

            “Heard that!” he said from the next room.

            I went to the cupboard and made myself some cereal. As I was eating Xavier walked in.

            “Ugh, what do you want?” I said giving him a look.

            “Um… food, hence why I’m in a Kitchen?” he said looking confused.

            “Ugh, shut up!” I said eating my cereal.

            “Hey you asked me.”


            I finished my cereal as my father entered the kitchen, “Time to go.”

             I grabbed my duffle bag while my dad grabbed my many suitcases. We then walked out to the car. Dad but the bags in the back while I got in the passenger side of the car. Even though I am 16 I didn’t have my driver’s licence yet. Dad started the car and pulled out of the garage. We drove down the road and headed towards the docks.

            Once we got to the docks I got out of the car and went to the back to grab my suitcases and had my duffle bag in hand. “Cristella, I love you!”

            After he said that I looked to the ground and could feel my rage turn my cheeks red. “Really, is that why you are sending me away for four years?” I said as I turned around

            “Cristella…” he tried to say

            “No!” I said then turned around. I headed for my airship that was going to take me to the next best thing to prison.

            I heard the car door open, then a short pause, then I heard it close. I then found myself on the airship lobby waiting, no luggage, only my carry on. I went to the lounge to wait. I sat down on one of the many couches and set my bag on the floor beside me. A woman, no older than 18, sat next to me. She had black hair, palish skin, with hazel eyes. She wore a sleeveless button up tank top, with a white under shirt and dark purple jeans. She also wore a black bow atop her head. She sat down with her feet up on the couch, while holding a book in hand.

            Seconds later a boy approached her saying, “U…Um hi I am… Justin an…and I was wondering… can I have a picture with you?” he said sheepishly. She looked at him for a second the slowly nodded he head. The boy crouched beside her and snapped a picture with his Holo-Phone.

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