Chapter 11

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POV: Dawn

I stood at attention next to Blake. The head Professor Wilson was there, and he had just congratulated both of us for a job well done, and now we were waiting for something. Although I had an idea of what that was.

Suddenly the door to my left opened and two guards entered, the same looking ones from earlier. As if in slow motion an older man, salt and peppered hair, a beard, stern and tall, wearing jet black pants and overcoat, entered, my father.

I could feel myself straiten, and I could see the sheer look of disappointment in his eyes.

"Ah Dr Brooks, we've been expecting you." Wilson stated.

"Enough with the formalities, Professor, the training was well orchestrated and, although there were some displeasing aspects," my father said as he stared daggers at me, "demonstrated the level of which these fine ladies are at," he said as he turned, "congratulations."

"Yes I agree, although I do believe that the experience of the two ladies are... incomparable," Wilson retorted.

"Hm, not all would agree. May I have a word with my daughter, alone?" my father asked, in a very demanding way.

"You may, Blake you may come with me." Wilson said.

"Very well," Blake agreed and gave me a comforting look, or as much of one as she could do.

Blake and Wilson left the room, and my dad just stared at me. Almost unreadable, although after knowing him for my entire life I knew what he was thinking, anger. "One would think that after 4 years of intense training, and augmentations, that you wouldn't be such a disappointment to my family."

I knew that he was never proud of me, and never will, but just hearing him say that hit harder than I thought.

"Your failure today proved that you have no respect for this family and the Brooks legacy. Your mother would be so disappointed with you," he said in a very sly tone.

I could feel tears start to swell behind my eyes. I felt the urge to lash out and yell and scream, I wanted to draw my weapon. I clenched my fists, closed my eyes, and nodded.

"You are such a disappointment to me, although I must say, the satisfaction of the fact that I was correct feels good."

At that moment he broke the last straw. I dropped my stance and grabbed the hilt on my sword, but never pulled t out. "Must be nice to have everything go your way, never needing to clean up the disaster you made! You are just too afraid to admit that you failed at being a father; you say that your wife would be disappointed in me? She wouldn't've had any expectations because she wasn't there. Maybe if you had payed any attention to me what so ever, you wouldn't have to give your prized company to someone else." At this point I was yelling, "You call me a failure, but I am doing what I want! You may have your company, your meetings, and everything in between but you have no family. No one to love you like a daughter can, no one to love you like a wife can. You just have your sad, pathetic self!" I said then stormed out of the room, pushing past Blake and Wilson.

I made a turn to my dorm, I was done with the day. Not once did I look back, I didn't want to risk the possibility of him seeing me cry. At this point I was crying harder than I had in a long time. Once I got to my dorm room I immediately broke down, I laid down my bed, curled into a ball, and cried

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