Chapter 8

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{POV Dawn}

             “I just told you! Now let me sleep!” Cristella said as she pushed me aside and shut the door.

            “Hm, interesting.” I said quietly and started towards my dorm

            As I approached my dorm I could hear Nathen and Sun-Ru aggressively debating as they usually do, most likely about some sort of assignment. I walked in and Nathen was pacing around the room yelling, while Sun-Ru was defending himself sitting on a chair. Blake was on her bed reading one of her novels.

            “Could you two not argue for one day, please?” I snapped.

            “We’re not arguing… We’re in a slight disagreement.” Nathen replied

            “That much is evident. Now on to important things, we have a slight problem.” I said.

            “What now?” Nathen sighed.

            “Cristella, Doesn’t really want to be… cooperative as we’d hoped.”

            “And?”  Sun-Ru asked.

            “And, that means that we are going to need to gain her trust,” I said, “Nathen we are going to need you to, in short, befriend her, gain her trust. Can you do that?”

            “Very well, I suppose I could do that. How much time do I have?”

            “One week.” I said bluntly.

            “Great. I’ll see what I can do.” He replied.

            “Very well, until then we should all get some sleep.”

            I noticed Blake seeming to be in a thought, “A problem, Blake?” I asked.

            “What? Oh… ah no I’m fine.” She stumbled on her words.

            “You seem very out of it.” I stated.

            “Do I? Sorry, just thinking, well I better get off to bed.” She said as she put down her book and rolled to her side. I Shut off the lights and climbed into bed. Hmm Blake has been acting strange tonight, what is she thinking? I thought to myself.

-The next night-

The door slid open and Nathen stepped hastily though. “What went wrong this time,” Blake asked.

            Nathen walked over to the desk and sat down. “Cristella is being more stubborn than anticipated.”

“Then you are going to need to compensate, not complain. You don’t hear me or Blake complaining about our duties do you,” I hastily said as I shifted on my bed.

“I realize that Dawn, but I could still use some advice here and there, not all of us are experts in the teenaged mind,” he snapped back.

“You think that I am an expert? I never got my teenaged years! I left home at 13 to go to military school and became an assassin at 14! So you have no authority to take assumptions on what I do and don’t know!” I shouted back to him, as I stood up to take a more threating position.

“Guys, Smarten up! You are supposed to be a role model to those around you, act the part! Now some of us have a field assessment tomorrow so if you don’t mind go to sleep!” Blake yelled. The light went off and I slowly slid back into bed.

The next morning the school alarm went off at 6:00 AM and was quick to get out of bed, and get ready for the day. Both Blake and I had Field Assessments today, and we had to look the part. Blake, who always did thing early, had already awoken and left the dorm room. I quickly showered and put on my assassin uniform which consisted of a pair of black and white pants, an undershirt, an assassin overcoat and a belt that held small knives. It also had a small receiver that could create holographic guns and ammo. I then walked over to my bed which had my narrow rapier underneath it. I grabbed the sword and sheathed it. By this time it was 6:23; I turned to the door and walked through.

I started to walk towards the training room, when I noticed Cristella crouched down outside her dorm room with her head in between her knees. I started to wonder what her problem was but I dismissed in and continued to walk by. After I passed her I stopped and began to think for a moment. I spun around and looked to her. “Are you all right? Class starts in 15 minutes.”

She looked at me for a moment, a little confused, “huh? Oh I just… got a little lost.”

“Your dorm room is right there,” I said pointing to the door she was next to.

“Oh, ah… would you look at that,” she said trying to look baffled, “I still need to get use to the school,” she finished then entered her room.

“Right,” I said. I began to walk away; obviously something was wrong, or just off. As I got closer to the training area, I decided that I would figure it out later. Once I got to the training area, I noticed a few off class solders standing at the doorway.

“I need to get in there.” I said to the guards.

They stood there and one looked at me, “Are you Dawn Brooks ma’am?”

“That is information that you do not need to know,” I sharply said.

“Actually we do, Dr Grayhum Brooks is here and will be observing Miss Dawn Brooks,”

My heart almost stopped at those words. Why would he be here? I stumbled and almost fell. I could feel the colour leave my face and I felt cold, but I was sweating. “Uh yeah, it’s ah… it’s me Dawn.” I said stumbling on my words.

“We need more than your word for it, we need some ID.” One of the solders stated.

Still in shock I pulled up my holographic ID and showed them. “Very well you may enter.” The door opened and I walked into a room with a cylindrical elevator and white walls. It also contained a guard.

“Please step into the lift,” the man stated.

I walked over to lift, and then turned to face the door. All I could think about was the fact that my father was overhead watching, why. A fifth teen second ride seemed like forever, the colour in my face was gone and I could feel cold sweat start to bead on my forehead and palms of my hands.

The door then opened and nothing but whiteness,, I raised my arm to protect my eye’s that took longer to adjust. I took a step forwards into the scenario, my eye’s adjusted, and I was in a cavern, it was snowy, and there was me and only one other person… Blake, I looked to the other side of the cavern and there was an endless supply of people wearing out dated Sominkia outfits. 

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