~What Used to Be~ pt.2

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Sleep still wasn't something that was coming easy to San. Not with Wooyoung occupying his mind like clockwork.

His bedroom ceiling must have been real interesting because that's what he'd been staring at for the past thirty minutes while laying in bed. He released a sigh. He'd been visiting Treasure for what felt like months, but in actuality was a couple of weeks. There wasn't a lot of progress he had made, but it was beginning to be just enough for him.

At least Tressure was accepting the food San was buying specifically for him now. There wasn't any chance of him eating properly with the amount of fatigue he appeared to be in. At first, every time the food would be offered, it would just get rejected, a few times, even thrown back at him. But guess what, San would be right back over there the next night with a new meal. It had became less frustrating when Cherry would take the meals from San with the promise of getting Treasure to eat them. He knew he could trust that.

Cherry, and San's dimmed sense of optimism, was the only thing keeping him afloat these days, the only thing giving him hope that Wooyoung could possibly let him into his heart again. That Wooyoung could possibly come back to him.

Strangely, the more days went by, the easier it'd be for Treasure to graciously take the food straight from San, surprisingly with little conflict. And San just couldn't help the foolish smile that would make its way onto his face. Wooyoung wouldn't fail to notice it either.

Apparently, the freshly bought clothes were too much for Treasure to want to receive. It's okay though, because San would wait. If he had gotten the incredibly stubborn male to accept his meals, hopefully it would only be a matter of time before he'd accept the clothes. Before he'd accept the guest bedroom that would provide a secure roof over his head, even though he wouldn't be limited to only that area. Before he'd accept the help San knew he needed but didn't want.

It would just have to come with time he supposed.

San turned his body on his side, finding the bronze door knob on his bedroom door to be a new figure of interest. His mind was still going in separate directions. Still leading to the same destination.


San in his own bed alone, reminded him of the time when he'd actually have the accompaniment of somebody else. The days of him and Wooyoung laying in bed whenever they'd have one of their notorious sleepovers, talking and giggling through the night, wouldn't shake from San's head.

The area surrounding them wasn't too bright nor too dark, exactly how they liked it to be. Exactly the perfect amount of lighting to see each other's faces, but not enough to see the blush that imprinted on both of theirs in one another's company.

Wooyoung was laying on San's chest, a position that they had gotten used to for, what felt like, the beginning of time. He was playing with the necklace that was placed delicately around San that he had happened to get him for his sixteenth birthday a few months ago.

It was of an ocean.

A necklace representing the high peaks of the mountain tops probably would've been more fitting, but Wooyoung believed that is was too on the nose. He felt that an ocean better represented their friendship of opposites attracting, even though they weren't too much different from each other. Sure, that could be perceived as a selfish gift for somebody else's birthday, but San seemed to have no complaints.

"What's going on in that chaotic head of yours? It never seems to stop thinking" San suddenly voiced with a tired chuckle, his hand still running through the other's hair like it had been for a while.

"And you never listen to me when I tell you to stop calling my head chaotic" the smaller joked, returning that same chuckle he was given.

San hummed in whatever-ment, shrugging his shoulders a bit.

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