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I didn't notice that I already fell asleep on the bed with him because I was busy admiring his face. I woke up and sat properly. It's already 1 in the afternoon and I felt hungry.

I went downstairs to look for a food to eat. I entered the kitchen and saw Lory cooking something.

She smiled at me. "Hi Mrs. Jeon,"

"Hi?" I looked at her in confusion. Why did she call me 'Mrs. Jeon' suddenly?

She just giggled. "Are you hungry? I am cooking spaghetti. Would you like to have some?"

I looked at the what she is cooking. I felt hungrier so I had to look away.

"Yes. Also, please prepare a soup for Jungkook." I told her, making her smile widely.

"Yup! Copy that!" she said cheerfully. I just shook my head and left the kitchen room. Suddenly, I heard a doorbell. I quickly went to the door and open it.

"Are you Mrs. Jeon Y/N?" the delivery guy approached me.

I nodded. "Yes, it's me. Why?"

"Oh, your cabinet is already here Ma'am. Can you just please sign this?" he said and gave me a receipt with a ballpen.

I nodded and proceed signing the receipt.

"Is it already paid?" I asked and returned the receipt and ballpen to him.

"Yes, Ma'am. The account is under your husband's name, Jeon Jungkook. Are you really Jungkook from BTS' wife? Or it's just a similar name?" he scratched his head.

My heart started beating fast. What should I answer? Gosh, why did he even put his name on it? He should've putted another name, or ask for my account!

I got startled by Jungkook. He putted his arms on my shoulders. My mouth parted as I look at him.

"Yes. She is my wife." he stated. The delivery man's mouth also parted as he look up to Jungkook. He suddenly panicked.

"O–okay sir. T–thank you! Should I... I mean, where should I p–put this? The cabinet, Ma'am?" he asked me, while trying to avoid Jungkook's stares.

"Just leave it there. The bodyguards will come and put it inside." he firmly answered.

The delivery boy nod his head multiple times. He almost dropped the receipts because his hands are shaking so bad.

"Hey." Jungkook called him.

He nervously looked back. "I–I won't say anything sir. Please let me go. I–I promise, I will forget everything that happened today where the both of you are involved." he stuttered while making his way in front of Jungkook.

He was about to kneel, but Jungkook cut him off.

"Don't do that. I am just trying to give you a tip." he said and gave him money from his pocket.

"T–that's a lot sir..."

"Just take it." Jungkook pulled my waist, "Let's go."

"Thank you sir!" the delivery man shouted. Jungkook just raised his hand to acknowledge him. I heard the door closed.

I heard him groaned while trying to massage his head. I didn't say anything to him. I went to the kitchen and I saw Lory bringing plates.

"Let me help you with it." I said.

"You can bring the soup for Jungkook. It's over there. It is hot and newly cooked, please be careful so you won't hurt yourself." she smiled at me and left to bring the plates to the table.

I cleared my throat. I leaned on the kitchen's counter thinking of what should I say to him. Should I act like I am still mad, where in fact, I am not anymore?

I am just that person. I forgive and give chance easily. I really just need to let all of my anger and frustration out and after that, I am already fine.

I let out a heavy sigh and got the soup. I went out of the kitchen room. I saw Jungkook on the dining table. He was leaning on the chair while trying to massage his head again.

He opened his eyes when I putted the soup down.

"Eat this soup. It is still hot." I said while looking away. I sat in front of him and got a plate for myself.

"I think, I should leave the both of you now." Lory stood up from her seat, but I stopped her.

"Y–you're leaving? Don't you want to eat with us?" I panicked because I don't want to be left alone with him here.

Lory smiled. "I will just eat at the sala."

"But, you can eat with us here? Why do you want to eat at the sala?" I looked at her with a pleading eyes. I knew that she knows why I am being like this. It just that, she want us to have an alone time. But, I am not ready for that yet! It will be so awkward for the both of us! Or... maybe just me?

"I feel like watching movie, so I'll eat there okay?" she said. I stood up and got my plate.

"I feel like watching movie too!" I said. Lory laughed and pushed me lightly to my chair.

"I think you should eat with your husband. You even asked me to prepare a soup for him right?"

"U–uh. Okay." I sat on my chair. After that, she left. I quietly cleared my throat and began eating.

My heart was beating so fast that I couldn't eat properly even though I am hungry.

"Y/N, do you have my phone?" he asked me.

"H–huh? Ah. Yes, I have it. Wait, I will just get it–" I was about to stand up when he cut me off.

"No, just give it to me later. I am glad that you have it. I thought, I lost it yesterday." he said.

I just nodded while looking down on my plate.

Once I already have the courage to ask him, I raised my head.

"Are you feeling better?"

I thank God because I didn't stutter.

"No, my head is hurting." he answered.

"You should drink a medicine for that." I told him.

"Mhm. I will. I don't think I will be able to go to work today."

"You should rest, then." I said.

"Should we buy groceries? We are already out of stocks." he suggested, making me look up to him.

He stared at me.

"Can you go? I can go and buy it." I answered.

"Mhm. I will come with you. I also want to look for a gift, since it's Jimin's birthday next week." he stated and leaned on his seat. Now, he is paying his full attention on me. God, how can I eat if he will stare at my soul like that?

"Really? We'll go together, then."

"Are you free next week? You are invited and Jimin told me to bring you. He really loves you that much, he said that he will punch me if I won't bring you to his birthday celebration." there's a sound of annoyance in his voice.

I giggled. I quickly covered my mouth when I saw Jungkook glare.

"I–I would like to buy a gift for him too, so let's just go together." I said.

"You have a work today right?" he asked while sipping on his water.

I nod my head. "I do... but, I had to bring you home, so I went out early."

He sighed. I looked at him, and I met his eyes.

"I'm sorry that you had to go home early because of me." he said sincerely.

"It's okay. Namjoon helped me bring you home."

"Namjoon hyung?"

"Yes. I don't know how to drive so I needed to call for a friend." I shyly told him.

He chuckled quietly. "God, I'll get scolded by Jin hyung tomorrow."

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