Episode 1 || A Child!?

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Heisenberg's POV

"Mother Miranda, you can't seriously expect Heisenberg to take care of the child."

"For once I agree with this bitch, you can't possibly expect ME to take care of that...that thing." I look down at the child in disgust. The only thing that looked even remotely unnatural about the kid, were the telltale scars from implanting cadou.

"My decision is final. Heisenberg will take care of the child, as he will benefit the most from it."

A small grimace crept onto my face. What the fuck was I supposed to do with a child? I have work that needs to be done and a child would just get in the way.

"What the fuck does the child even do?" I asked as I watched the kid squirm around in the cradle.

Miranda let out a loud sigh. "That is for you to find out, but I assure you, it will be of use." I let out a huff, I fucking hate when she withholds information.

I grabbed the child by the foot and pulled it out of the cradle. It dangled pathetically from my hand.

"And what is this thing called?" The child started making an annoying screeching sound, as it hung. I sat it back down, incase it self-combusted.

"The village mortals called it (Y/N). Though you may call the child whatever may please you." I nodded as Miranda dismissed us. Luckily the cradle was made of metal so I didn't have to touch the kid.

We finally got back to my factory after a slight detor through a village house. I put the child down in the back of my workplace and left to get my welding tools.

After a couple of hours I almost finished my newest project, adding more armor on a soldat zwei, to protect it's reactor. I just had to fix one more wire...


I jumped, and my tools slipped out of my hands causing the wire to snap. "Shit."

"You. Fucking. BITCH!-" I slammed my hands onto the table and got up-"Hours of fucking work ruined by a fucking child."

The child was screaming again.

"Shut the fuck up.-" I sat back down still pissed.-"I fucking hate babies."

Everything went quiet, which made me sigh of relief.

"Finally, thank you." I said rubbing my dirty hands over my face.

"You're welcome."

I swear I have never turned around as fast. Crouched behind the cradle was a child who looked about eight, I could only see the kid's head though.

"Where the fuck did you come from?!" I grabbed my hammer off the table and stood up.

"I was already here. You said 'I fucking hate babies' so I'm not a baby anymore. Sorry about your metal thingy."

"First off, don't say 'fucking' you're a child. Second, what the fuck."

"I could try to explain some stuff to you, but I would like it if I had some clothes it's cold in here. It turns out when I grow my clothes don't grow with me." That would explain them hiding behind the cradle...

I set my hammer down on the table again and went down the hall to my quarters. I really didn't expect this at all. Also how the fuck would this 'benefit' me. I fucking hate Miranda...

I searched for the smallest set of clothes and brought them out. They would still be way to big on the kid, but it would have to work.

"Alright kid, I got some clothes. They're gonna be too big, but they're the best I got." I opened the door to my workplace and found the kid sitting in the same place as when I left. "I'll just leave these here and wait in the hall."

Shades of Red |Karl Heisenberg X Child Reader|Where stories live. Discover now