Episode 3 || New Memories

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(Y/N)'s POV

I woke up in an uncomfortable bed. It didn't even look like a bed, more like an autopsy table.

Not only was it uncomfortable but it was gross. There were spiderwebs in almost every corner, a thin layer of dirt covered the ground, and scraps and metal lay everywhere.

My joints cracked as I got up and made my way to the door. The hallways were empty, and the only sound that could be heard was the distant heartbeat of the machinery. I looked around, but couldn't find anyone.

While looking around I found a kitchen, that's when I realized how unbearably hungry I was. Though, the kitchen was just as dirty as the room I woke up in.

After about ten minutes of searching, I found almost nothing. The only things I did find were some saltine crackers and a box of stale cereal.

I took the crackers and continued my search around the empty halls.

|Time Skip|

The first room I came across was barely lit, and I had to heat up my hand to create some light.

When I could finally see, the sight was horrifying, but not as bad as the scent that burned my nose.

More than a dozen dead bodies lay on the ground and on tables. Some were missing limbs other had huge gashes and holes in their bodies. I should have left, but I continued looking around.

A small body sat on a table, isolated from the rest. I couldn't tell how old the person was but he couldn't have been more than fourteen.

He had large cuts on his arms and chest with peices of metal attached to his face. I looked closer and could see scrap metal in his chest, though I couldn't tell if it was supposed to be there or not.

Soon I grew to sick of the smell to continue looking in that room and left. My crackers were long gone, and even if I had more I don't think I'd be able to eat them after seeing that.

Another door sparked my interest pulling me from my thoughts. A small door sat hidden away in a corner, with a pool of dried blood spilling out from under it.

I walked in to a smell almost as bad as the other room. Though this room smelt more like rust, battery acid, and decomposed corpses.

The entire floor was covered in bodies and various mechanical parts. Except for one spot in the middle of the room. It looked like an arena.

I walked closer into the ring, the stench of cadavers still burning my nose. This place was looked like a testing room, for those metal monsters.

A peice of paper sat on the table in the corner, so I walked over to examine it. It was obviously Heisenberg's messy handwriting and it read,

This is the fifth test run on the soldat eins. This specimen can defeat three normal lycans in under a minute. Though it did sustain severe damage to its reactor. My next project will be adding additional...

My mind trailed off after a little while of reading. Not only was it boring but it was also hard to read.

I decided to leave again, since my nose couldn't handle the stench any longer, and continued down the lonely hallways.

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