Episode 2 || Melting Metal

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(Y/N)'s POV

I was dragged off down the large hallways by the three girls, who introduced themselves on the way as Cassandra, Daniela, and Bela. It took only a couple of minutes to get to the dressing room, but it felt like forever because the place was so big.

"So, how old are you?" Cassandra asked picking out peices of fabric.

"I think I'm about um... nine. Yep, nine." I stopped to look at the girls rushing around me. "All of you are very pretty."

A series of awws and thank yous came from the girls but only Daniela spoke back.

"It's just what happens when you get older" She was looking at herself in the mirror, while the other girls worked around her.

I looked off at all the dresses that were hanging. None of them would fit me, nor anything Heisenberg had... Unless I grew. Nothing bad happens when I grow up so why don't I?

None of the girls were watching me, so if I did grow out of my clothes, which I probably won't, I could just hide and nobody would see me.

I took a deep breath and focused all my energy outward. My clothes started to fit correctly and I grew a little taller. Everything felt better. Like I was supposed to look like this.

A gasp erupted from one of the girls as they all stared back at me. I looked down making sure my clothes were still intact, and luckily they were. When I looked back up Dani was flying out of the room in a swarm of bugs. The other two were focused on me.

I sat there awkwardly as we waited for Dani to get back, presumably with Lady Dimitrescu and Heisenberg.

Finally the three of them entered. Dani flew in, as a swarm of bugs. Lady D had to crouch down about three feet, and Heisenberg just walked in.

"Well, this is unexpected. I still doubted Heisenberg was telling the truth." Lady Dimitrescu was circling me while the others stood of to the side.

"I told you! This bitch can age on command." Heisenberg was waving his hammer around trying to prove his point.

"You're the only bitch here." I said. I tried to sound confident, but my voice wavered.

The girls gasped and shuffled away, but I swear I heard Lady Dimitrescu chuckle.

"And I told you not to say that!"

"No, you told me 'don't say fucking' because I was a child and obviously I'm not a child anymore. So suck it, old man."

Lady D started laughing at that, which caused her daughters to relax a little. I could tell I was getting on Heisenberg's nerves and honestly it was amusing to watch.

"If your not a child anymore, how old are you?"

"Uh... I don't know, like sixteen? Yeah, I'm gonna go with sixteen." I fell back and made myself comfortable on the seat. "What else would ya like to know?"

Everyone looked around at each other before Lady Dimitrescu spoke up.

"Is there anything else that you can do? Or is it just aging?" I thought about it for a minute, before I remembered about the tests and trials that Mother Miranda put me through.

"Yeah I can do other things. Hey metal man, give me your hammer. Oh and a pencil." He looked at me like I was crazy.

"No. You already got my hat I'm not giving you my hammer too." He held it protectively in his arms like it was a child. Though now that I think about it he isn't really great with children...

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