Episode 9 || Old Tears

408 13 8

Heisenberg's POV

I sat it that cramped room for what felt like hours waiting for that freak to get back. It only took him a couple minutes but the acidic air made every breath take years off my life.

"I got the snacks!! Wait, we're did the child go? Did they leave? No... no no." He whimpered out. Carrying a tin of what looked like cheese.

"They um... had to use the bathroom before the movie started. They didn't want to have to go in the middle of it..."

He looked at me skeptically before sitting down right infront of the box television.

"Okay, we won't start without them then. Take some snacks, I made plenty."

I tried not to gag as I looked at the rotting cheese substance.

"I think I'm good, we ate some of the Duke's food before coming over here..."

"Oh... okay."

The kid walked back in, the bag that they came with gone.

"Perfect you're back. I picked out three movies. Jomeo and Ruliet, The Big Ship, and This vampire and werewolf movie. All of them are really good!"

I already wanted to leave and we hadn't even picked a movie yet.

"I don't really mind it but the Big Ship looks cool." The kid said.

He slid the disc into the DVD player, which looked as old as Mother Miranda.

Soon the movie started up, on the play screen two people clung to eachother one hanging off into the ocean, the other on a door.

|Time Skip|

(Y/N)'s POV

The end credits rolled and Moreau started clapping. He had a huge grin on his face, but tears on his face. The movie was sad but it wasn't enough to make me cry.

I looked over at Heisenberg, he had a grimace on his face. The same one he had the entire movie.

"That was so good! Which ones next?" Moreau shuffled over to the TV.

"Actually I think we better go, (Y/N) had to go to bed. They just finished their trials so they have to get extra sleep..."

Moreau looked so disappointed. And I was kind of to. I wanted to stay and watch another but I guess we should get the flask back to the castle.

"This was really fun Lord Moreau. I would be delighted to come next time, but Heisenbergs right we should be going..."

He frowned but nodded, and with that Heisenberg pulled me out into the cool night.

"Where's the flask?" He whisper yelled at me.

"Relax I hid it in my bag, which I hid in the...the um whatever it's called. The place with the dam controls."

I pulled him along towards the flood gate control house.

"Just because you're older doesn't mean you can cuss...."

I stared at him for a second before he finally got it.

"Oh... that type of dam..."

We both laughed a little until we finally made it to the building. My bag was hidden in a corner next to the controls.

I pulled the yellow flask out. The Salvador family mermaid crest on the lid. Just to make sure it was still there.

Shades of Red |Karl Heisenberg X Child Reader|Where stories live. Discover now