Chapter Eighteen

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"After careful consideration and many sleepless nights, here's what I've decided. There's no such thing as a grown-up. We move on, we move out, we move away from our families and form our own. But the basic insecurities, the basic fears and those old wounds just grow up with us. And just when we think that life and circumstances have forced us truly, once and for all become an adult, your mother says something like that. Or worse, something like that. We get bigger, we get taller, we get older. But, for the most part, we're still a bunch of kids, running around the playground, trying desperately to fit in. I've heard that it's possible to grow up, I've just never met anyone who's actually done it. Without parents to defy, we break the rules we make for ourselves. We throw tantrums when things don't go our way. We whisper secrets with our best friend, in the dark. We look for comfort where we can find it. And we hope against all logic, against all experience, like children, we never give up hope" 

"yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away"

"Come on, we're going to be late", Lucy said, as she tried to tie up her hair while Alex planted kisses on her neck. "And who's fault is that?" he smirked, turning her around and kissing her. She giggled before pushing him away and running off for rounds.

The interns were in Chuck's room. "Chuck has lung cancer", Burke said. "He's in the hospital for radical en-bloc resection. Chuck was a smoker. He has a 25% chance of surviving this surgery. We can also make you comfortable if you decide not to have the surgery". "Nothing about a slow death is comfortable", Chuck said. "I'm gonna roll the dice".

"How do I look?" George asked Izzie. "You look fine", she said. "Just talk to Holly".

Addison and Lucy were walking together when they noticed Mark Sloan from a distance. He was having an obviously flirty conversation with Meredith. "Is that?" Lucy asked. "Mark Sloan", Addison finished. Before they could say anything else, Derek walked over and punched Mark in the face. "Yay, Derek to the rescue as always", Lucy said sarcastically.

Izzie, Alex, Lucy, Cristina, George and Holly watched as Mark sutured his own face. "He is hot", Cristina commented. "I'll let him do me". "You wouldn't say that if you knew his personality. He's a whore", Lucy said. Meredith came out of the room. "McSexy wants x-rays to rule out fractures", Meredith said. "But I don't want to take him". Alex left to do it as the girls went over nicknames for Mark. "McSexy?" Cristina questioned. "No?" Meredith said. "McYummy?" Izzie suggested. "No", they all said. "McSteamy", Meredith concluded. They all nodded. "I think I'm choking back some McVomit", George muttered.

Addison went to talk to Pamela, the woman with spontaneous orgasms. "It happens 7 to 8 times a day", Pamela said. Holly's eyes widened. "I went to my doctor, who sent me to a shrink", Pamela explained. Pamela's father then arrived. "I'm her emergency contact person", he said.

"I've had one of my episodes"

She covered her face with a pillow as it happened again. "We're going to find out what's causing the episodes", Addison promised.

Cristina and Lucy were trying to give Jake instructions for the MRI. "I know the drill", he said. "I like your eyes. They aren't as surly and hardcore as the rest of you. I'm really big on eyes, because it's the only place where tumours don't grow". "You have nice eyes too", Lucy smiled. Cristina nodded in agreement.

Derek, Cristina and Lucy were making their way back to Jake's room. "Would one of you book an OR?" he asked. They entered the room and were surprised to find Mark in there. "Dr Sloan can make me look normal", Jake said. "This should be fun", Lucy said.

Derek and Mark argued in Richard's office. Alex, Cristina and Lucy tried to read lips from outside the room. George and Holly joined them. "Our patient has spontaneous orgasms", Holly said. They all looked at each other and rushed off.

George pointed Pamela out to them in the ER. She started to have another orgasm. Addison closed the curtain around her bed. "Interns disappear", she said. "I have no clue what Mark or Derek see in her", Cristina said. Holly shrugged. "I understand", George, Alex and Lucy said in unison.

The interns ate lunch and discussed spontaneous orgasms. "Those would solve so many problems", Meredith said. Alex looked at Lucy and smirked. She smirked back and they both stood up and rushed off. George stared at Holly trying his best to work up the courage to just talk to her about them.

Holly and George were in the CT boot. "Your hair looks nice", Holly said. "You let it grow out. I told you you should". George and Holly stared into each other's eyes for a while until Pamela had another orgasm in the scanner.

Pamela was trying to relax so she wouldn't get another episode. "Can they actually cure me?" she asked Holly. "I don't know", Holly said. "Would it be the worst thing in the world if it didn't? I've spent years hoping that a doctor or therapist could fix the shaking in my hands but maybe it's just my body healing itself. Proving that it is strong. And if there's one person who will stand there and try their best to stop it, and maybe even succeed for a little while, that can be worth all the shaking of hands and spontaneous orgasms in the world".

Jake had passed away. Alex, Lucy and Cristina were closing him up. "It's a shame he never got his face fixed", Alex said. Lucy gave him a look.

Mark joined the three in the morgue. "I got the parent's approval", Mark said. "Scalpel".

Just as Mark was about to go on an elevator and leave, Lucy caught up with him. "Lucy?" he asked. "What happened to you?" she asked.

"What do you mean?"

"I always knew you were a whore but you were Derek's best friend. You slept with his wife, Mark"

"Why do you care? You hate the guy"

"I don't. I really don't. I want to, but I don't. I love him, actually. He just doesn't understand"

"Yeah, well, maybe he doesn't understand me either"

"I've missed you, Mark"

"I missed you too"

Derek stepped out of the elevator and headed for the stairs when Lucy caught up with him. "Derek", she said. "Lucy, is everything okay?" he asked.

"I don't understand you. At all"

"What do you mean?"

"You always say I abandoned you and ran off and ghosted you. You never fought for me. Why? Why didn't you fight for me? Why couldn't you see how much I was hurting? How much I needed you. I needed you to fight for me. To be there for me. But you never tried. You never tried to understand me. Why I did what I did. You just assumed I was reckless. You all did. You sat there and watched as they shipped me off to boarding school and rehab. You said nothing. You did nothing. That is your problem, Derek. That is why everyone leaves you or betrays you. It's because you never tried to understand anyone. You just act out or stand and watch as they fall apart. You watched me fall apart. I had to put myself back together all on my own. And it might be a little crooked but it's together. That means I don't need you anymore"

Alex approached them as Lucy sobbed right in front of Derek. "Lucy, hey", Alex said, putting his hands on her shoulders. "Come on, I'll take you home. Good night, Dr Shepherd". Lucy let Alex direct her out of the hospital. Once they were out of the main entrance, she broke down crying and fell into his arms. He hugged her tight and stroked her hair as she sobbed.

hope you enjoyed! comment your opinions! song is yesterday by the beatles

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