Conserve Water...

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Taylor’s P.O.V

I woke when I felt Ed move behind me, I was very aware of how we were lying because when we went to sleep I was facing him with my head on his chest but after getting up at 4.30am to pee I was greeted by a sleepy Ed pulling me back to his arms so we could spoon and that was how we stayed. Now it was nearly 11.15am and we were still like this, his hand was sprawled across my growing bump and it made me think a little. Did Ed actually love me or was he pitying me because of Jake? Could I trust him? Then I thought that it was a bit stupid because it was Ed, the gorgeous British singer with red hair and a great personality that I was talking about. Feeling him move around more and feeling a gentle kiss to the back of my neck made me realise that I loved Ed and I hoped he would stay. I stayed still for another minute or so before ‘fake’ waking up and rolling over to Ed, his eyes met mine as I leaned over to kiss him, feeling him push me back I was a little upset but it didn’t last long as Ed bridged himself once more and leant down to kiss me. It was magical. Enchanting and all too soon it was over. He went to remove himself as I pushed him onto his back and let my hands wander south to his briefs. He didn’t stop me and I smiled into his kiss as I felt he was hard beneath my fingers. I brushed over his erection as I trailed downwards. Hearing him moan I quickly moved back up and pulled the briefs down. He groaned as he sprung free, I pulled away and looked down at Ed who had just licked his lips. Smirking I began to move down the bed, kissing the skin of his hips as I went before pulling him into my mouth. “S-s-shit Taylor!” was all that escaped his mouth as his hands tangled in my hair egging me on. I brought my eyes up to his as he arched off the bed. I watched as he pulled me up and onto his legs to straddle him. “My turn…” he grinned with a glimmer in his eye as I tingled all over, feeling myself getting ready for him.

 Ed’s P.O.V

Seeing Taylor’s hands move south down my body stirred something in me that I hadn’t felt for a long time and that was worth. She was showing me how much she loved me and I can’t say that I didn’t enjoy it, from the minute I felt her breath down below I knew I was in trouble. Quickly pulling her upwards to straddle me I managed to say “my turn.” As I rolled her to her back, feeling her watch me I fully removed my boxer briefs so I was fully naked and I growled as I noticed she was still fully dressed in her pyjamas. A pale pink tank-top paired with an old pair of pyjama shorts. I dragged the tank-top effortlessly over her head before I bent to kiss her intently. Focusing on her lips as they were slightly bruised from last night and just before I took my time, feeling her mouth vibrate against my own almost sent me over the edge Taylor brought me so close to before. Pulling away I decided it was time for her to be pleasured…the right way. Moving south I kissed her neck and traced down to her collarbone before moving to her left breast. Taking her nipple into my mouth I gently suckled it like a baby before remembering the internet had said that her breasts could be sensitive because of pregnancy so I then moved to kiss and lick the available skin, thankful she didn’t wear a bra to bed. Hearing her moan my name out loud sent me to the other breast giving it the same treatment before moving towards her stomach. I sat back for a second to fully appreciate how her body has changed, of course we can all see the changes through her clothes but no one had seen her like this except herself over the past few months. I took the time to rub my hands over it and lean down to peck her lips. Feeling her jump a few seconds later made me question everything. “You okay love?”
She quickly nodded before saying, “I felt the baby move Ed.” I pressed my hands to her belly.
“I can’t feel anything. Did it feel weird?” She shook her head in a ‘no’ before I leant down and kissed her again. Glancing down at her as my hands trailed to her waist she nodded as I pulled down her pyjama shorts and underwear.

Her perfectly formed legs were now fully on show as I kissed from her foot to her hip on the left and right leg, feeling her squirm I leant down and gently breathed into her core. Seeing her physically lift off the bed made it more special. “Calm down baby,” I whispered to her as I sank my tongue into her core. She screeched out loud and I smiled knowing what I just caused. I had also read online that she could be sexually sensitive down below too, so knowing it was normal made me more comfortable. “Ed, get up here and kiss me now,” Taylor demanded as I just made her climax again. “What honey?” Her blue eyes were wide with lust and love. “Make love to me Ed, please.” I smiled down at her before kissing her all over. “You.Don’t.Have.To.Ask.Me.Twice.” I rasped out between kisses. I gently moved back down after making sure she was comfortable and I took my erection and gently rubbed along her slit before finding the place I wanted and as I leant forward the head popped in and her eyes opened wide and I thought she would freak out but after a few seconds she was very responsive and within thirty minutes I had made her orgasm two more times and I had shot off twice inside her. Hearing her say my name had made me comfortable and now as we lay together in her bed a calm came over me, pulling her against me I carefully rubbed my calloused fingers over her bump before saying in a casual manner, “are you going to sleep love? Or do you want to shower?” I failed to hear her answer and as I glanced down I saw that she was sound asleep, her light breathing managed to reach my ears as I grinned. Leaning down to peck her forehead I then sat up and attempted to get out of bed without her waking, it was a mission but I managed it. Covering her with the blankets that we had carelessly tossed to the ground an hour ago I made my way to her bathroom and shut the door. Turing the shower onto hot I stepped inside and found soap and began to wash. Reaching to my left I grabbed some random shampoo and poured it into my hands, the aroma of orchids and coconut reached my nose as I smiled remembering the last time Taylor used this stuff on tour.

Travelling the long roads can be a bore but we had a five day gap so we flew to Nashville. I stayed with Taylor at her apartment, we had enjoyed take-out the previous night and getting up the next day I could smell pancakes and coffee. I remember stumbling downstairs and greeting Taylor and Meredith who was eating cat food. “Sup Tay, what do you want to do today?” I remember watching her turn and face me and the look of joy on her face was undeniable that was when the feeling started. “Uhm well I thought that I might go down to the arena and watch them set up stage but if you want us to do something different that’s fine too.” I watched her turn back to the stove and cook the remaining pancakes before setting a plate in front of me, decorated in fruit and maple syrup. “Yum, looks great love.” I complimented before digging in, “thanks, oh and I got Shawn my bodyguard to come to the store with me and I got your favourite tea, its beside the jug.” I was shocked. ‘How did she know my favourite tea?’
“Great, that’s amazing you didn’t have to do that.” She smiled at me and giggled.
“Well we can’t have a British guy in America complain because his best friend doesn’t buy tea for him. I mean seriously Ed…” she giggled but the mention of best friend for some reason made my stomach clench in disappointment. ‘Wait did I want to be more than friends? Push it aside Ed she is beautiful and wouldn’t want you.’ I sat there in silence as she stood and moved to wash up. Standing quickly I stated, “No let me.” I moved behind her and her hair brushed into my face and I caught a whiff, ‘mmm orchids and coconut’ before insisting on doing the dishes. She finally agreed.

I was just about to start to rinse it off. When the door opened and there stood Taylor wrapped in her robe. “Ed I need to ask you something?”
“Okay go ahead, but know that that robe is making things hard for me.” She giggled and I smiled, it was the best sound ever. Peering into the shower through the glass door she then said, “by the way I can tell the robe is making things hard. Need a hand?” I groaned and she smiled at me. Without giving her an answer I opened the door and pulled her in, robe included. “OMG Ed, what are you doing?” I smiled and kissed her,
“Well you wanted to ask me something and I thought you could use a shower so I thought that we could conserve water.” I glanced at her and she smiled. So I carefully untied her robe and flung it out the door and into her bathtub that was nearby. “So…” I stated turning to her, “what was your question?” Her hands roamed my chest and my arms tracing the tattoos on my arms and over RED especially before saying. “What are we?” I froze a bit but her smile melted me again, this woman was slowly controlling my entire life. “Well, can I ask you something?” She nodded and I continued. “Taylor Swift, I love you. Will you be my girlfriend?” She smiled her megawatt smile as I leant in and kissed her. “Okay boyfriend, my turn.” I nodded and she said, “are you long-term or short-term?” I was a little shocked and truthfully said, “Forever. I will marry you one day. I know it.”
“Don’t make promises Ed...” she warned.
“I’m not, I dreamt it on the way to Rhode Island. You are my forever and I love you.”

 Taylor’s P.O.V

Hearing Ed say that he was forever made me feel something that I hadn’t felt in ages, worth. Ed made me feel like I deserved what he was saying to me. I felt loved and I knew that this was forever. Turning to see Ed, I found him already looking at me. “I love you.” He stated as I looked back at him. “I love you too Ed. So much.” Leaning over I kissed him again and he wrapped his arms around me, making sure that he was able to stroke my stomach. “Ed this isn’t very conservative of the water.”
“Who cares love, the woman that I love is here and for that I’m not moving until we are ready to.” I supressed a giggle as he kissed the back of my neck, it was so good that I relaxed against him. His mouth moved to my shoulders as his hands slid down to my bump. Glancing down at his hands I pulled them away. He stopped kissing me and turned me to face him. “What’s up buttercup?” I faked a smile and said I was cold and as I got out of the shower I swore that Ed saw right through my fake smile but let me go anyway. “Okay, hey can you grab me a…”
“Already did Ed, it’s on the counter.” I smiled as I wrapped myself and wandered into my closet to dress for the day. 

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