I want to...

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One months later…

Being six months pregnant is hard with the paparazzi around but being six months pregnant and recently married is so much easier. A lot has changed for me, Ed and I recently starting with us getting married in front of a judge almost a month ago after telling our parents about the sex of the baby. It was nothing fancy, just us and the judge plus a three day vacation to Rhode Island which wasn’t fancy but with me being pregnant things had become slightly harder to accomplish. We began to tell people a few days after we got back and some of the first ones to know was my best friend Abigail who had recently spent time with us in Nashville where we both grew up. It was funny to see her and Ed getting along so easily but they both claimed it was because they were gingers and they understood one another I would just smile and walk away. Our families were next to know and as we expected they were so excited. Ed’s parents whom I had met a lot before the RED Tour started and a few times since we started dating wasted no time in saying they would be over when the baby was born and my mom was excited and dad a little disappointed but happy none the less. We loved married life but it soon became apparent that we had different ideas about where we wanted to live but we both agreed that wherever or main hub was it needed to be a house but the timing of when to move into a house was the tricky part.

“Come on Taylor, our little girl needs space to run around in.” Ed stated while we were having a heated discussion. “Yes I know Ed but she will hardly be running around at three days old. We can live in the apartment until she is two or so…” I claimed but secretly I knew Ed was right.
“No way babe we should be in a house and we need to be in one today because you are nearly eight months pregnant and I want to be ready for her to come.” I took a deep breath as I let it out I let out an “Okay Ed, let’s buy a house.” As usual he was excited and said,
“Okay where do you want to live blondie?” I smiled, he hadn’t called me that in ages.
“I don’t know, you decide.” He looked shocked and said,
“Oh no, I convinced you to live in a house so the least that I can do is let you choose where it is.” I smiled as he took out his laptop and we searched for houses in Nashville. “Hey Ed,” I began as he looked at me, “why are we looking at Nashville?” He smiled his beautiful smile and I went weak at the knees. “Because your family is here and your hub is here, my old apartment is here so home is here. But really it’s wherever my two girls are…” he stated as he pulled me close so he could place his hands on our baby bump. I looked at his hands and it didn’t scare me anymore like it had in Rhode Island, we knew this baby wasn’t biologically ‘our’ baby but it felt like ours to us because we could picture the future with Ed teaching her how to ride a bike and us teaching her guitar and singing her to sleep. That was our future and nothing scared me anymore.

Ed’s P.O.V

We had been searching for houses for about forty minutes when Taylor suddenly stated, “That’s it Ed  that one.” We had already agreed that since we were selling our apartments that we weren’t putting a price on our family home. We wanted it to be great and Taylor pointed to the one she like and I felt chills down my spine, kissing her we looked at the house and I could see family pictures everywhere. “Well do you think we should arrange to see it?” I watched Taylor shake her head in a no and I heaved a deep breath and went to talk but she held her hand over my mouth. “Before you say anything Ed, I have to tell you something…” I gaped at her but accepted it and let her speak. Watching her take a deep breath she said, “well I was hoping we could keep this apartment here in Nashville and we could live in…”
“Okay I’ll search in L.A babe it isn’t a problem.” I stated as I interrupted her. She hit me and stormed off. ‘What the hell was that!’ I thought as I heard her storm upstairs and into our bedroom. Hearing the door slam I knew I was in hot water.

Climbing the staircase I wondered how on earth Taylor managed it so fast but this has been her apartment for a while so I guess she is used to it. Knocking on the door I entered and saw Taylor on our bed, wrapped in a blanket with Meredith giving me the death stare. I went to sit next to her but Meredith hissed at me, I reached out and patted her saying, “don’t worry I’m not going to hurt her Mere.” When she settled down I knelt on the ground next to Taylor who rolled over to avoid me. “Taylor…” I began as she interrupted.
“You didn’t even hear me out Ed,” I faltered. Putting my hand on her shoulder I carefully rolled her to her back, “I know I didn’t love, and I’m so sorry. Do you still want to tell me why you don’t want to sell this place?” I asked hoping it wasn’t for sentimental value.
“Well I guess, just listen to me though okay?” I smiled and nodded as I sat on the bed and held her hand so I could still look at her. She took a deep breath and said, “Okay so I don’t really want to sell this place because it was my first piece of real estate I ever brought and it’s in an amazing city and I want to keep it.” I nodded starting to believe that she wasn’t finished. She looked at me and I stayed quiet. “O-okay so I wanted to tell you that I want to keep this apartment because I want to move to London, well I want to live on Parkmead actually which is about forty five minutes from London. I found a house and I really love it, I found a nearby school for our little girl when she’s bigger. It’s actually an all-girls school but everything is perfect for it. So what do you think Ed?” she blurted out at once then slightly fell backwards onto the bed. I stared at her in wonder and awe. “Well y-y-you uhm surprised me Taylor. I thought you would want to stay here in America.” I watched her sit up and lean over to me and say, “I want to be where you want to be and I’d love to live in Britain. So can we?” her hopeful look got me all starry eyed. I kissed her then stood up and began to pace.
“Oh my god Taylor. Britain? Really are you sure?” I had a million things pounding in my head. Starting with the obvious one of when and then how, turning I found Taylor on her laptop which she shyly passed to me to look at the house. There I was gazing at pictures of a Tudor style house with large indoors pool that was separate to the house and a large backyard perfect for our princess. I leant down to kiss her and pulled back slightly before saying “I love you. Let’s do it.” She only smiled and kissed me again.

Two hours later we were sitting on the couch watching T.V when Taylor turned to me and said, “what would you say if I said I wanted to tell the world that we are married and that I’m pregnant?” I looked at her happy face and shining eyes and smiled. “If that’s what you want then I’m in.” I stated bringing my face to hers but pressing a kiss to her cheek instead.

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